Natural Health Solutions That You Can Rely on.
Your Cambridge local natural health expert.
Achieving better health for you and your family, Naturally.
Have a look through our services and see how our natural health solutions might help you turn a corner!
1 Start here: FOOD MEDICINE - The number 1 rule for a long and healthy life
This book is about finding a simple solution everyone can use to reverse climate change, save the planet, ensure wellness, resilience and resistance to chronic disease. Here, readers will understand the importance of eating fresh foods, the importance of whole food and what whole food is as well as the importance of a traditional diet and why, the organic whole food grown without man-made fertilizers and pesticides, grown with natural plant allies that are sustainable, nutrient rich and do not harm the body, the dangers of processed foods and how these foods have contributed to obesity, malnutrition and contamination of the food chain, the 1/3/ - 2/3 rule that can be used as a simple guide to food portion, all about growing food, companion planting and preparing the soil as well as why a healthy diet and saving the planet are the same thing.
“Let’s try something new which is actually as old as time. Let us be reminded that food is medicine, and with that knowledge plus education, we are capable of curing many of the diseases we face today.”
“Food Medicine: The Number 1 Rule for a Long and Healthy Life” aims to remind readers that their wellness is in their hands and it is simple, effective and can save the planet which needs their help so that the future generations can thrive.
Take The First Step Today On Your Journey Back To Health
In just 21 days you can reverse chronic pain, autoimmune disease and most common ailments by implementing The Remedy.
The Remedy is a modified elimination diet that can change your health from the ground up. For people who are serious about reversing chronic disease The Remedy is a lifetime WOF you can use whenever you need it. We can REBOOT YOUR HEALTH by eleminating the cause of your disease, removing the burden of heavy metals and toxins from the body and seeding the perfect microbial environment for ongoing and lasting wellness for life. YOU will get the tools and know how to reverse chronic disease and pain. You will effortlessly lose weight and keep it off for life when you follow my 30 day educational programme. Each day for 30 days you will get a new email with another step on your wellness journey. Join today for the know how to create wellness for life!
Take 5 - Building Health and Wellness in just 5 minutes a day
Our health is our responsibility - when you add small daily habits to your usual routine you can make a big difference. Have you got 5 minutes a day? Then you have time to transform your health and when you have the tools to wellness you will become a comander. Deploy and possess the latest science in wellness excellence and what you need to know to create lasting good health.
Comanding COVID 19
Today we are in unprecedented times, covid has turned our lives upside down. In just 5 minutes a day we can make huge changes on our journey to wellness. There is plenty we can do to make us stronger.
In my 90 minute presentation:
- Learn how to boost and prime your immune system using food as medicine.
- What common food works better than pharmaceuticals to protect you from COVID
- What is the one miracle molecule that can reverse a severe case of COVID 19
- What foods to avoid that reduce your immunity
- What foods boost immunity
- We have some tricks and tips to help you manage stress.
- How to create a healthy home and reduce exposure to harmful household cleaning products that reduce immunity.
Take 5 also includes:
- The 4 minute workout that will get you fighting fit.
- The little known technique to calm your nerves.
- How to optimize digestion.
- How to optimize sleep.
Exclusive to the Waikato region NZ:
Book me for a Speaking engagement with your company (big or small) , club, school, event, or gathering.
Other regions of NZ will encure additional travel costs.
Sign up Today!
Consult With Me
The Regenerative Health Program is a comprehensive health program designed to uncover and address the root cause of your health issues and restore you to optimum health. Through comprehensive dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and, most importantly, education; you will achieve outstanding results.
My programs offer a unique perspective by putting you in the driver’s seat. My goal is to partner with you and provide you with all the tools that you need to restore your health. I will dig through the dirt to uncover what is contributing to your chronic health issues, not just mask the symptoms. It is absolutely critical to your outcomes that you uncover what is going on below the surface, since this is what leads to chronic health issues.
“Let us help you uncover and address the root cause of your health issues”
The Regenerative Health Program
The breadth of the program allows us to positively impact the major areas of your health including the nutritional, physical and biochemical. If you or a loved one is looking for a new approach to get to the bottom of a chronic health issue, this is it. Let us customize a program that fits your needs.
Learn how in the steps below.
Your Story,
We are determined to get to the root cause of your health issues. Your story is the most important component to your case. By listening closely and investigating your medical history with more detail, we are able to recommend the most appropriate lifestyle modifications. Your customized program will be developed by putting together your unique life story.
Lifestyle Education
You will receive an interactive health education as part of your program along with several opportunities to attend workshops and seminars. You will have access to my patient library of books and Videos. Online education materials are also available and include audio recordings, video demonstrations, recipes and much more. Education is the driving force of your success in this program and we are committed to empowering you with it.
Customized Solutions
Based on your initial assessment, a customized meal plan and nutrient solution will be created for you. This attention to detail allows us to ensure your are taking the right supplements and eating a balanced diet to address your nutritional needs. By creating sufficiency through diet you are ensured the best long term outcomes.
Personal Support
Did you ever wish that you could speak directly with your doctor? Our goal is to provide exceptional service to you by providing you direct access to me. Get your answers quickly via our face-book page or simply e-mail me. Better access equates to better results.
Restored Vitality
By maximizing your health and vitality you are able to contribute once again. You are now an active member of your own life, and a contributing member to your family and community.
You will enjoy the benefits of the Regenerative Health Program for the rest of your life.
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee
At Regenerative Health I guarantee you will be satisfied. “ If you are not completely satisfied with any item you buy from us, at any time during your use of it, return it and we will refund your full purchase price. We mean every word of it. Whatever. Whenever. Always. But to make sure this is perfectly clear, we’ve decided to simplify it further. GUARANTEED. Period.”

Frequently Asked Questions
Please review the frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find the answer to your question, feel free to set up a FREE discovery call. 0277335446
What should I expect at the initial consultation?
At your initial consultation you will be given an opportunity to discuss your personal health goals with a Natural Medicine Practitioner. This will be an opportunity for you and myself to identify if you are a good candidate for our services.
How much is the initial consultation?
The initial consultation is $150.00 (+ GST )
How long should I expect the consultation to last?
Expect the consultation to last for 60 minutes. If you are a good candidate for our care we will go over the paperwork to get you started. This will be an addition 10-15 minutes. We value your time and do our best to provide a timely service.
What is the investment to join the Regenerative Health Program?
Regenerative Health Programme is $600.00 (plus GST). Which includes your first appointment + 6 (1/2 hour follow ups) + 1 FREE = 1 full initial consultation and 7 Half hour follow ups to monitor progress, ask/answer questions, and update recommendations.
What forms of payment do you accept
We accept, Visa or MasterCard and online banking.
What are your office hours?
Our office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM
Do I still need a primary care physician?
Yes, we do not provide acute care services and we do not replace the services that your current medical team provides. We provide a stand-alone service.
Does your office accept patients that live in other cities?
Yes, we work with patients all over NZ
Do I qualify for the Regenerative Health Program?
This program is for anyone looking to optimize their heath. The only time somebody is not qualified is if their health is too far-gone or their condition requires urgent medical attention. If a client is not motivated, engaged and willing to take the steps necessary to get healthy they would not be a good candidate.
Does the cost of the initial appointment apply towards the cost of a program?
Yes, your first appointment is one of your seven appointments. We apply your payment to the total cost of the program and therefore you are paying into the program when you schedule your first appointment.
Can my appointments be done over the phone or Zoom?
Yes. We can do your appointment on the phone or video call, so we can be engaged and help you along the process.
What happens at the end of the Personal Master plan program?
Once your initial program is complete, we will re-evaluate your case and determine your best steps moving forward. To ensure your continued personal growth and development we may offer a variety of different programs to meet your needs.
I’m ready to get started, what are the next steps?
Please set up a free discovery phone consultation to make sure you qualify and to verify our solution is viable for you.
Click here to set up your call.
FOOD MEDICINE - The number 1 rule for a long and healthy life
Want to die young at a ripe old age with all your marbles and have lived a long and healthy life? Want the tools to defy fragility, boost your well-being, happiness and love of life? Ensure you have the tools to squeeze as much health and wellness into your life as possible. Imagine no more health issues that YOU can't tackle when you know the number 1 rule.
Take The First Step Today On Your Journey Back To Health
Maybe you have some questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision on becoming a patient. I am happy to answer your questions to see if Regenerative Health is right for you.
Naturopathy & Nutrition Cambridge
Sign up to the 30 ways in 30 days program now!
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