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Why vitamin D is the most important of all because 50% of the world’s population is deficient in this life saving hormone.New post

What Health is NOT

A pill for every ill is not health. And if that pill gives you a nasty side effect don’t worry we have a pill for that too. Is just plain wrong.

Rockefeller Medicine.

Rockefeller a wealthy oligarch saw opportunity in making money using petrochemicals to make medicines, so he bought his way into the modern medicine model as we know it today, was born. (1) And how every other modality of medicine was given the term "alternative medicine" and condemned as quackery to eliminate all competition. A ruthless mogul he also knew the power of the media so he bought that too, ensuring the public were brainwashed into thinking his modern medicine model was the only accepted medicine in healthcare. His legacy lives on and is still the only accepted main stream modality of healthcare to this day.

Real Health Starts here

The most important rule for good health is “Fresh is Best forget the Rest”

Home grown organic produce is the best! Good growing years and bad the food you grow is always perfect for you. Plants that struggle in the bad years produce more resistance for your good health and they pass that resistance on to YOU.

Use the 2/3 1/3 rule - …….

Make sure every meal you eat has 2/3 fruit and vegetables and 1/3 everything else.

Good health is rapid.

If you want to test this rule eat junk food for a week and see how bad you feel.

The food industry is interested in selling their food to you. Much of this processed food has been manipulated to make sure you buy more. Filled with addictive ingredients that may or may not be healthy but is sure to have you coming back again and again.

Then eat real food for a week and see how good you feel.

I recently come across “The Rice Diet” and against the most established beliefs of nutrition this diet proves to be a lifesaving game changer! Congestive heart failure, morbid obesity, diabetes and even stage 4 cancers have been eradicated in weeks. (2)

Regenerative Medicine

Perhaps the most promising remedy for healthy food production and modern farming practices, regenerative farming promotes growing healthy soil. When the soil is ideal the food produced is highest (as opposed to conventional, GMO and organic) in all the nutrients we need for good health and the animals that graze in these pastures are much healthier too. Dr Zach Bush (3) is in my book the ultimate purveyor of the solutions our planet cries out for in restoring vibrant life.

When I was a kid I never knew what asthma was. I never met a diabetic. Obesity did not exist and autoimmune disease was not on my radar.

I grew up in the 1960’s luckily for me the chemicals used today in food production did not exist and the massive increase in childhood vaccines had not yet happened.

It was a common practice to have measles parties and chickenpox parties to build our resistance to disease. Mothers would expose their children to infected children to make sure we were also infected with the virus and gain lifelong immunity to these common childhood maladies. Certainly you will find in “Heart foundation” evidence based research that natural immunity to measles is protective against heart disease in later life.

My how things have changed

Why vitamin D is the most important of all today? Because more than 50% of the world’s population are deficient.

More accurately described as a hormone Vitamin D is essential to good health.


Vitamin D supplements are no substitute for sunshine because that’s not all sunshine gives us.

But vitamin D supplements are best used in winter.

I highly recommend vitamin D3 with K2. However not the recommended dose – more like 5 - 8 x that. 5 - 8 tablets a day to make a definitive benefit. Vitamin D supplements have no known adverse effects in high doses.

Try this for a couple of months and then get tested to see where your levels are at.

But be warned. To get a blood test for vitamin D levels you must first go to your doctor then you must pay around $45.00 to get this test in New Zealand. A criminal conspiracy I say!

You want to be at the highest end of the recommended levels, or exceeding that level. Don’t worry it’s perfectly Safe and Effective.

Why Sunshine is best. “It’s FREE”. You are an energy being, you are the battery and sunshine is your charger.

Nitric oxide also comes from the sun in the form of UV rays, absorbed by our skin to create NO which is essential for blood vessel health, relaxing the smooth muscles around your arteries, allowing blood to pump more freely with the aid of Glycocalyx , (a Teflon like substance). For the free flow of blood and its ability to prevent blood clots, or clotting formation, skin repair and wound healing. 

Almost every 28 trillion cells in your body has a receptor for vitamin D.

Just to show you how important it is.

Dynamic in boosting immunity vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses.

The innate immune response (the first line of defence) is predominant in children because they have not yet developed full immunity and most importantly MEMORY!

Vital in reducing the cytokine storm the innate immune response is vigorous in fighting extreme inflammation bought on by our body’s response to Covid 19.


The adaptive immune response is our second line of defence, a powerhouse of life long MEMORY to all the diseases you have come in contact with, response is immediate, often without any symptoms at all.


Vitamin D

Aids in the absorption of calcium and the breakdown and assimilation of phosphorous required for bone formation.

Helps the synthesis of enzymes in mucous membrane transport and the availability of calcium

Necessary for normal growth in children

Assists in normal blood clotting, normal heart function and a stable nervous system

Assists with strong healthy teeth
Calcium absorption and mineral deposition into the skeleton

Cell growth and development, particularly white blood cells and epithelial cells

(Epithelial cells are a type of cell that covers the inside and the outside surfaces of your body. They are found on your skin, blood vessels, and organs, including your urinary tract).

Vitamin D is necessary for the

Activity and response of white blood cells against infection. 

Working and living in the outdoors ensures you get plenty of sun exposure, but 50% of us are simply not getting enough sunshine which as it turns out was essential in fighting the effects of Covid 19 and reducing Covid vaccination side effects. Knowledge is power and getting enough vitamin D in supplements and sunshine is a lifesaving remedy everyone can benefit from. 

How much sun exposure should I get daily for optimum health?

If you have white skin15 minutes a day is sufficient.

Brown skin you need 30 minutes a day

Black skin 45 minutes a day


Dr Sam Bailey

Dr Sam Bailey is a New Zealand medical practitioner that is no longer practicing medicine. She has voluntarily relinquished her medical licence.

Her belief and mine is that there has never been conclusive proof a virus can cause disease. A virus might be present but correlation does not prove causation.

Rather Dr Bailey believes in terrain theory – that is to say if the terrain in the body is resilient then it is likely they will never experience disease.

And as Louis Pasture said on his death bed. “Beaucamp was right. The Germ is nothing. Terrain is everything”

In this video Dr Bailey asks: Does Sunscreen cause Cancer? (5)

A 7 billion dollar industry, sunscreen manufacturers tell us the bad side of UV rays, and leaves out the good, but in the face of growing evidence all the industry paid science is looking very questionable

Start every day with bare feet on the grass – on the bare earth…..

The earth has an infinite charge of negative ions (energy) and our bodies have positive ions (energy) positive ions are inflammatory and negative ions reduce inflammation. That’s why walking barefoot in the sand at the beach makes you feel so good. In a millionth of a second the earth is exchanging those ions for nourishing anti-inflammatory ions and energizing you.


The dictionary definition of nature …….

The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.

Did you see that they took humans out of nature, as if we are separate from nature, this could NOT be further from the truth! (4)

I want to bring your attention to a recent study from the inventor of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone (6)

Study: With each Covid vaccination, healthcare workers get sicker – applying for progressively more leave and taking more analgesic medication after each dose.

Mainstream Media will not tell you this:

"The authors conclude that “COVID-19 vaccination has a non-negligible impact on the staff availability in the health sector” and that it is likely the enhanced immune response to each subsequent jab that is responsible for the escalating symptoms. We’re looking only at acute, immediate reactions to vaccination here – not at injuries or other more serious adverse events. The results of the study are clearly confirmed by the overwhelming disinclination of the general public to accept further vaccination after the booster campaign. (Only approximately 17% uptake worldwide). Even when everything goes right, the vaccines make a lot of people feel sick, and the effect grows more pervasive and more powerful with each successive jab."

I have a message for the medical profession.

You made $75.00 from the government for every jab you gave.

You made even more money for every PCR test – if the average practice has 1350 patients that equals $27,000.00 – that’s more money than a retired couple gets in a year!

Do you remember your oath? First Do No Harm!

What people need to know is doctors were ordered to only talk about the benefits of vaccines and were banned from talking about the adverse events or they could be sanctioned by their medical boards. These orders came from on high the FSMB (Federal State Medical Board) an unelected medical mafia with unknown influence in high places.

I understand most doctors have major medical training costs to pay for. They have families to feed, like the rest of us.

Caught between a rock and a hard place a doctors decision to practice when knowing the harms of these vaccines, or learning of the harms of these vaccines over time, many decided to carry on and help as many people as they could with staff shortages and an overwhelming number of patients also needs to be considered.

But collectively had they said NO we would all be in a much better position today.

They have another chance and if they don’t stand for their patients next time we have a pandemic I imagine the public will no longer support them.

Dirty tricks are afoot. Google, and the interested billionaires have plans for just such an event. Already they are gearing up for mass production of drugs distributed to the public via these platforms. All the public need is a capsule or tracking device implanted under the skin in every human on earth that reads your wellness at all times!

If you want to continue to see your GP please do not fall for this dirty trick!

I have a final message for you the people.


Health is in your hands. Do your research, seek professional help from all the modalities that best suit YOU in the alternative health field because Rockerfeller Medicine is no match to these century old remedies.

To find these practitioners please look HERE (7)

And finally be kind to weeds because not surprisingly they are our best medicines provided by nature for YOU.

In the end for your information I recommend this week’s programme of the High Wire to help you get a better perspective of The Medical Industrial Complex: Episode 339 The Placebo Lie. (8)
















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