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The Top 100 Super Foods for health and wellness Regeneration...


The Top 100 Super Foods for health and wellness

I have listed over 100 super-foods here that require your attention, because they will improve your wellness and help combat disease as well as help you to live longer and healthier.

By adding these foods to your diet in special combinations you can also treat many common illnesses, disorders and disease. Find out the scientific research to confirm the importance of food as medicine.

1/ Almonds

Almonds are a highly concentrated food rich in protein, fat, minerals and some B vitamins. Eat with vitamin C rich foods to maximize absorption. Weight for weight they have 1/3 more protein than eggs. Recommended for respiratory ailments, urinary problems and digestive upsets. An A1 super-food.

2/ Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away especially when it comes to the Heart. Pectin and vitamin C found in apples helps reduce high cholesterol. Pectin also aids in the removal of toxins from the body. If you are suffering from arthritis, rheumatism or gout apples are the great detoxifiers. For digestive problems you can’t go wrong with freshly grated apples.

3/ Apricots

Apricots are high in iron and have huge amounts of Beta – carotene, the brighter orange the better especially for any respiratory infection or at risk from cancer.

  4/ Artichoke

Artichokes are a friend to your liver and heart. Cynarine a bitter compound found in artichokes promotes bile flow improving liver function. Eaten raw the healing powers are greatly enhanced to aid in digestive problems, high cholesterol, rheumatism, gout, arthritis and to ward off heart attacks. A marked diuretic action.

  5/ Asparagus

Asparagus benefits the liver and kidneys. Asparagine a compound in asparagus stimulates elimination of toxins out of the body. Avoid if you suffer from Gout though as they are also high in purines.

6/ Avocado

Avocado is an excellent food for convalescents. Easy to digest. A complete food, high fat, high calorie, protein, starch, pure oil – monounsaturated fat ( good fat) vitamins A,B complex, C and E.

Great for the circulatory system as well as fabulous for the skin.

  7/ Banana

Bananas are high in potassium essential to the functioning of every cell in your body. Easy to digest packed with zinc, iron, folic acid, calcium and weight for weight as much B6 as liver. Bananas aid digestion and are recommended for both diarrhoea and constipation.

   8/ Barley

Barley in traditional medicine is highly valued for its demulcent action. Soothing inflammatory conditions, painful irritation of the intestines and urinary tract. High in calcium, potassium, B complex and beta-glucans barley will dramatically reduce high cholesterol, nourish the body especially in fatigue, stress and convalescence.

  9/ Basil

Basil is both tonic and calming a natural tranquillizer for frazzled nerves and a complimentary superfood.

  10/ Bay

Bay is an ingredient in many dishes prised for its antiseptic properties and assistance in aiding digestion, reducing gas formation and cramps.

 11/ Beef

Providing you are healthy 1 or 2 healthy beef meals per week will provide you with a good source of iron and zinc as well as B vitamins. For healthy red blood cells and a healthy immune system. I highly recommend you source your meat locally and organically grown.

  12/ Beetroot

Beetroot is known as the blood builder a powerful blood cleanser and tonic. Also anti-carcinogenic enhancing the increase in the cellular uptake of oxygen and boosting immune function. A tonic made from raw grated beetroot and carrot, cucumber, olive oil and lemon juice is a more powerful tonic than an entire bottle of vitamin pills.

  13/ Beans

Beans are great nutrition full of chlorophyll, beta-carotinoids, B complex Vitamins, vitamin A, iron, calcium, potassium and more. High in fibre they are beneficial to the entire digestive tract, protective against the eyes.

  14/ Blackcurrants

Blackcurrant also known as “a fruit favouring longevity” is rich in a particularly stable form of vitamin C – a vital preservative against cancer and heart disease. With anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action via anthocyanosides a compound found in pigments in the skin. Hot blackcurrant juice sipped slowly is a great remedy for a sore throat.

  15/ Black tea

Black tea is loaded with antioxidants recent studies have found both green and black tea are able to block DNA damage associated with tobacco and other toxic chemicals. In animal studies tea drinking rats also have less cancer.

  16/ Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an unrivalled source of B complex vitamins, high levels of iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium and protein. It is also rich in nucleic acid RNA which is vital to optimum healthy immune function. Also high in purines, avoid if you have Gout.

    17/ Broccoli

Broccoli has protective powers against cancer. A member of the crucifer family now famous for helping to lower your chances of getting many forms of cancer broccoli is also high in iron, indoles, carotenoids and vitamin A. Compounds produced during digestion helps suppress free radical formation making them valuable for joint problems, heart disease, anaemia, fatigue and nervous system disorders.

  18/ Brown rice

The unpolished brown rice is full of B vitamins and thiamine not found in processed white rice. Rice water is a remedy for diarrhoea and fevers having a soothing and cleansing effect on the entire digestive tract. Brown rice should be washed in running water but not soaked as nutrients will be lost in the water. A great super food.


   19/ Buckwheat

Buckwheat is high in the flavonoid glycoside rutin. Particularly important in the integrity of blood vessel walls, strengthening and toning. Useful for hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, bruising, capillary damage and is known to lift depression even in small doses (50mg) it alters brainwaves, having both a unique stimulatory and sedative effect similar to Ginseng.

    20/ Blueberries

Blueberries are high in antioxidants and are known as brain food. Protective against cardiovascular disease and cancer. High in fibre to keep you fuller for longer.

  21/ Bulgur wheat

Bulgur is high in fibre, protein, iron and B6. Protective of the cardiovascular system, collagen support for skin and muscles and also supports immune function.

  22/ Cabbage

Cabbage is best raw for therapeutic action. High in sulphur compounds protective against infection, ulcers, stress, respiratory and cardiac problems. Cabbage also has chlorophyll which is chemically almost identical to haemoglobin in human blood, useful as a tonic and disinfectant in respiratory and digestive conditions healing the mucous membranes.

   23/ Carrots

Carrots are well known as a superfood. High in Beta-carotene one carrot is enough for your daily requirement of vitamin A. Near the top of the list for vegetables that protect against cancer ( especially of the lungs) carrots also protect the skin, liver, respiratory system, red blood cells, ultra violet or radiation and of course the eyes. If you want to stay young and wrinkle free eat carrots daily.

    24/ Caraway

Caraway aids digestion, reducing wind or flatulence. Chewing a few seeds before a rich meal will help avoid these symptoms. Added to dishes known to cause these issues such as cabbage, peas and beans will also help.

  25/ Chilli peppers

Chilli peppers are a popular hot spicy food with a kick. Great for the circulatory system, heart and lungs. A super food able to shift excess mucus from the lungs so that it can be coughed up.

     26/ Chives

Chives a cousin to garlic and onions with the same healing properties.

     27/ Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a potent antiseptic, tonic and stimulant. Warming the entire body. Combatting fatigue, listlessness.

  28/ Cloves

Cloves like cinnamon is a powerful antiseptic, warming and a boost to circulation.

  29/ Coriander

Coriander assists with digestion and is a stimulating and cooling food.

  30/ Coconut

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat. Because it comes from a plant it tends to be of more benefit. Also containing lauric acid coconuts are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Useful in staphylococcus and candida albicans.

  31/ Capsicum

Red and yellow capsicum or bell peppers contain 4 times as much vitamin C as oranges and 100g of green peppers provides 100mg of vitamin C over 3 times the recommended daily allowance. Also a good source of iron, potassium and beta-carotene (yellow and orange Best). As a member of the nightshade family are best avoided if you have joint problems.

   32/ Celery

Celery is high in calcium meaning it is great for the nerves. Celery seed has the reputation to reduce rheumatoid arthritis, kidney irritations and eliminate waste via the urine. Also recommended for stomach ulceration having similar compounds to cabbage.

  33/ Chicory

Chicory has a long history as a cleanser and detoxifier giving the body a sound invigorating clean-out. Injections of an extract of chicory will double or even quadruple the amount of bile secreted in as little as 30 minutes making this ideal for people suffering from jaundice. Beneficial to the kidneys, skin problems, urinary infections, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

  34/ Cranberries

Cranberries have long been used as a remedy for scurvy. High in vitamin C, iron, potassium and vitamin A. A popular remedy for urinary tract infections cranberries aids in reducing kidney stones.

    35/ Cherries

Cherries are packed with antioxidants. They offer benefits in insomnia, joint pain and belly fat.

  36/ Coffee

Coffee can improve your memory and make you smarter. Also aids in mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function.

  37/ Cumin

Cumin another curry added to fried dishes or with beans will counter flatulence and dyspepsia.

  38/ Dandelion

Dandelions bitter taste indicates its medicinal value as a super food. Known as a liver tonic, digestive tonic, blood cleanser and urinary tonic. Dandelion is also useful in toxic and inflammatory conditions of the skin and joints. High in vitamin C, chlorophyll, beta-carotene and vitamin A.

   39/ Dark chocolate

Coco beans are high in antioxidants and is believed to be protective of the heart. Lowers blood pressure and improves vascular function. Also reducing the risk of diabetes and stroke.

   40/ Dates

Dates as well as figs are a high energy food valuable in respiratory problems, mildly laxative to counter constipation they are well supplied with minerals. An excellent addition packed into your lunches.

  41/ Dill

Dill boosts digestive health, relieves insomnia, hiccups, diarrhoea, dysentery, menstrual disorders, respiratory disorders and cancer. Protective in inflammatory disorders, boost immune function and protect against bone degradiation.

  42/ Eggs

Free range eggs supply first class protein, zinc, B vitamins and other nutrients. Eggs laid by birds exposed to day light are also lower in cholesterol.

    43/ Fennel

Fennel has similar qualities to dill. Excellent for digestion, it prevents colic or gas formation.

  44/ Fish 

Omega 3 - Fish is the family dish. 

High in omega 3 they are vital to healthy cell function aid in inflammatory conditions and arthritis, skin disease and atherosclerosis.

  45/ Figs

Figs were used in antiquity as a stimulant food for athletes. Containing a digestive enzyme called ficin they nourish the entire digestive tract. Rich in fibre, iron, calcium and potassium.

  46/ Flax seed

Flaxseeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids. High in lignans which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities and may provide some protection against cancer, particularly breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Also high in fibre especially beneficial for gastrointestinal health, flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fibre

 47/ Game

Game is free range by definition and contain only 4% of total weight in fat. High in iron a much healthier option than other farmed meats.

  48/ Ginger

Fresh ginger root is natures pain killer effective in inflammatory situations. Also antiseptic, aids digestion, antinausea – very effective and in colds and chills.

One of my favorite herbs, essential winter eating, I put ginger in as many dishes as I can.

  49/ Grapefruit

Grapefruit like other citrus fruit is high in vitamin C and potassium. Bioflavonoids found in the pith protect the integrity of all blood vessels, improve the action of vitamin C and act against inflammation.

   50/ Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is high in protein and probiotics which improve gut flora and in turn improve the entire digestive tract. Improves workout recovery and great for lowering blood pressure and weight management.

  51/ Garlic “King of the Herbs”.

Garlic is the King of all healing plants. Effective against cancer, major infections, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, intestinal parasites, gout, typhoid, colds, heart problems, lung infection the list goes on and on. Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial with no recorded side effects garlic is more effective than penicillin. Used in WW1 and WW2 when antibiotics were scarce.

  52/ Grapes

Grapes are just perfect for a sick friend. Nourishing, strengthening, cleansing and regenerative food. Improving toxic elimination from the body they are helpful in anaemia, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, skin problems, fatigue and convalescence. Always wash grapes thoroughly before consuming as they tend to be incessantly sprayed.

Grape seed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fat and vitamin E. It’s highly heat stable even in prolonged cooking at a moderate temperature.

53/ Guava

Guava is of great benefit to the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, cough, cold, skin care, high blood pressure, weight loss and scurvy.

   54/ Horseradish

Horseradish is invigorating, stimulating digestion it also clears excess catarrh and counters infection.

  55/ Juniper berries

Juniper is great for gout suffers a diuretic clearing excess uric acid and a tonic to the digestive system.

  56/ Kale

Kale is a great detox food high in fibre and sulphur, chlorophyll and calcium. Good for cancer, arthritis, asthma and immune disorders. Assists in normal bone health and blood clotting.

  57/ Kiwi fruit

Twice as much vitamin C as an orange. More fibre than an apple. As much vitamin E as an avocado. High in potassium vital to every cell in the human body. The average kiwi fruit will supply 250mg of potassium to only 4mg of sodium. The western diet is high in sodium from processed foods and desperately short of potassium. Kiwifruit is a super food powerhouse of healthy eating.

58/ Lamb

Lambs is an excellent source of protein. A good source of easily absorbed iron protecting red blood cells and a healthy immune system. Half of the fat found in lamb is monounsaturated fat which is considered good fat.

 59/ Leeks

Eat plenty of leeks if gout or arthritis plagues you. A member of the same family as garlic and onions although a milder version prescribed for respiratory problems, rich in potassium, also valued for their cleansing, diuretic powers and their ability to eliminate uric acid in the body.

  60/ Lemons

Rich in vitamin C (twice as much as an orange) and bioflavonoids lemons have traditionally been used to combat scurvy. Essential oil from the peel is a potent bactericide and used as a common ingredient in household cleaning products it also activates the immune system by stimulating white corpuscle activity. Although thought of as an acid fruit during digestion the acids are converted to produce potassium carbonate – which helps neutralise excess acidity. Lemon juice is actually protective of the entire mucous membrane lining of the digestive tract and therefore vital to many suffering from any form of digestive dis-ease. I recommend everyone start the day with lemon juice and water. The juice of ¼ to a whole lemon in a glass of water as desired.

61/ Lentils

Lentils contain 23.8% protein. 100gms providing 2/3 daily allowance of protein. Rich in iron, B complex vitamins particularly B3 aiding in nervous wear and tear, irritability and poor memory. Accompany foods high in vitamin C to aid the absorption of iron. Avoid if you have gout as high in purines.

62/ Liquorice root

Liquorice is an effective respiratory anti-inflammatory herb as well as calming hepatitis and liver inflammation. However for people with high blood pressure it is best avoided. For diabetes liquorice helps reduce glucose in the blood.

  63/ Marjoram

Marjoram is valued for its calming properties and is considered strongly sedative.

  64/ Melons

Melons are cooling to the body and make the best refreshing summer time consumption. Always consume between or before any meal since it ferments rapidly in the stomach. Stimulating to the kidneys and a mild laxative a great remedy for any kidney and bladder problems. A 2 days mono-fast of melons of any kind will ensure a thorough cleansing of the whole digestive system.

  65/ Milk

Not a super food for everyone especially if lactase or milk intolerant. Whole milk is otherwise an extremely nutritious food and amiably recommended for children. High in calcium, A, B, D and E vitamins, some iron and zinc,  but rather low in magnesium which is required to be in balance with calcium for optimum absorption. Note: If you prefer low fat milk you will lose vitamins A, D and E.

  66/ Mint

Mint stimulates the heart and nerves, benefits digestion and is believed to be an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine.

 67/ Millet

Millet is considered a most nutritious and complete food excellent for growing children and invalids. High in silicon (the great cleansing, mending and eliminating mineral salt which keeps our mind and body in good working order) a structural part of collagen, the substance that holds us together and vital for hair, teeth, nails, eyes and connective tissue health. Millet is the only grain that is a complete protein containing all 8 amino acids and the only grain that is alkaline

  68/ Molasses

Weight for weight molasses contains more calcium than milk, more iron than eggs and high levels of potassium and B vitamins. However being that it is the last extract from sugar cane – it is destructive to teeth and gums.

  69/ Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain some of the most potent natural medicines on the planet. Able to boost the immune system and fight bacteria and fungi infection. They help in weight loss and are a source of vitamin D. It may also be helpful for people suffering from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, renal failure and stroke damage.

  70/ Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is excellent at treating minor wounds. Reducing pain and inflammation. And useful for minor burns. Also a great substitute for sugar in recipes.

  71/ Nettles

Nettles are nutrient rich especially in iron, traditionally used for skin problems, fatigue, a tonic and blood purifier it is recommended to eat only the very young leaves. Pick with gloves and add fresh to any soups or stews, cook them just like spinach and dried and ground use as / or blend with salt.

  72/ Nuts

Nuts are densely packed with nutrition particularly high in protein, vitamins, iron and minerals. Eat them freshly shelled and as fresh as possible from a good supplier or best, grow your own. Because of their high fat content they tend to go rancid quickly once shelled and become a damaging food.

   73/ Nutmeg

Nutmeg is mildly uplifting and a digestive aid also believed to be hallucinogenic in large quantities.

  74/ Oats

I love Oats. A staple food consumed by some of the hardiest races in the world they are richly nutritious. Outstandingly high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, B complex vitamins, a little vitamin E, silicon, polyunsaturated fats and protein. For a strong nervous system, teeth, bones, healthy arterial walls, digestive tract, stomach and intestines, a reliable remedy for depression and general debility.

Oats have even been used to aid weaning people off manmade tranquillizers which so many thousands of people are addicted to these days. Think oats if you suffer from high cholesterol and diabetes as a blood sugar regulator oats have delivered exciting results.

75/ Olive oil

For digestibility olive oil scores 100% full marks as a super food. Boasting antioxidant value to spare, more than enough to combat high cholesterol, heart disease and cellular damage. Olive oil will emulsify fats for digestion more intensely and last longer than any other oil and is efficiently absorbed by up to 96%. Always choose extra virgin olive oil where all the vital nutrients are present to protect against, cancers, arthritis, premature senility and cardio vascular disease.

  76/ Onions

A cure all and a member as the same family as garlic onions are protective of the entire circulatory system. Half a raw onion daily will increase HDL (good cholesterol) by as much as 30%. A powerful antibiotic, strongly diuretic, effective against anaemia, bronchitis, urinary infection, gout, rheumatism, arthritis and premature aging. Even fried onions have the reputation to reverse the adverse effects of eating a fatty fried meal of bacon and eggs.

  77/ Oranges

High in vitamin C oranges have long been a favourite. Enormously important in combatting infection. When consumed with a meal high in iron, absorption can be increased 2 ½ times. Bioflavonoids found in the pith combat infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi.

  78/ Oysters

High in omega 3 and enough zinc for your mojo oysters are a festive treat. Good immune support and full of goodies to increase vitality.

  79/ Parsley

Parsley rich in vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, potassium and life giving chlrorphyll. A diuretic it also helps eliminate uric acid.

  80/ Pineapple

Pineapples are high in bromelin an enzyme which can digest its own weight in protein in minutes. A delicious cure for digestive problems fresh pineapple fits the bill. Also an effective gargle for sore throats with marked antibiotic and anti-inflammatory action. The ripeness test is whether you can pull a leaf out easily from its crown.

  81/ Potato

Potatoes boiled or baked provide excellent nutrition. High in fibre, B complex vitamins, minerals and vitamin C. The skin also contains potassium, recommended for high blood pressure. Raw potato juice is a great remedy for stomach ulcers. For slimmer’s they contain 100 calories per 100gm.

  82/ Pumpkin

Pumpkins are full of beta-carotene hence the orange colour, which is the vitamin A precursor that helps protect against cancer, heart problems and respiratory disease. Along with other members of the squash family, protect specifically against lung cancers.

  83/ Pumpkin seeds

An excellent snack food high in B complex vitamins, zinc, iron and calcium. A protector of the prostate glands traditional Russian remedy used 100g of the unshelled seeds in 1 litre of water simmered for 20 minutes for prostate disorders. 1 cup 3 x daily.

  84/ Pulses

Pulses, dried peas, beans and lentils are high in protein, low in fat and a good source of fibre, minerals and B complex vitamins. They can be tough on digestion and it is recommended they are accompanied by foods such as bay, coriander, garlic, fennel and cumin to help counter flatulence.

  85/ Quinoa

Quinoa is considered the world’s most popular super food. Quinoa packs a punch.

Full of fibre a gluten free.

A complete protein containing all essential amino acids. A weight loss friendly food antioxidant rich.

  86/ Radishes

Radishes belong to the crucifier family, valuable to those at risk from cancer. When eating radishes they should be consumed when young along with the leaves to aid digestion. Also and more importantly radish juice is a potent stimulant for the gallbladder increasing the release of bile. High in vitamins A, B complex, potassium, calcium and sulphur.


Vital to convalescence raspberries are a powerhouse of nutrients including vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Their cooling effect helpful in feverish conditions, fatigue and depression. Naturally astringent also useful as a digestive aid for upset stomachs, diarrhoea and diseased soft spongy gums.

  88/ Rosemary

Rosemary is a tonic for digestion prompting the production of bile. However it is also stimulating to the adrenal cortex aiding in loss of memory, strain and nervous tension and general debility.

  89/ Sage

Sage is highly antiseptic, stimulating to the central nervous system, a tonic for convalescence and nervous exhaustion. Powerful stuff it can dry up mothers milk and is useful in reducing hot flushes.

  90/ Summer Savory plant

Summer Savory is antiseptic on the gut benefitting the entire digestive tract. Accompany with beans peas lentils to counter flatulence.

  91/ Sauerkraut

Love it or loathe it sauerkraut is an ingenious super food. The enzymes and vitamin C are well preserved and traditionally kept scurvy at bay for ancient mariners. Also high in calcium and potassium historically used for dyspepsia, arthritis, colds, indigestion, skin problems and stomach ulcers. The formation process of sauerkraut is nutritive to the stomach increasing good bacteria and deadly to bad bacteria in the entire digestive tract leaving it healthy and cleansed.

   2/ Slippery elm powder

Slippery elm is the perfect invalid super food . Nutrient rich easily absorbed it has a healing, soothing effect on the entire digestive tract. Used for stomach ulcers, diarrhoea, constipation and with the aid of licorice perfect for a chesty tight cough.

  93/ Soya Beans

Soya beans are well absorbed by the body, high in iron, calcium, B complex vitamins and lecithin – a natural emulsifier of fats. However eat in moderation for maximum benefit. Indications are they also contain a thyroid suppressing element.

  94/ Sprouts

A premium source of vitamins and minerals sprouts have been described as “The most live, pure, nutritious food imaginable”.

Easy and cheap to grow your own be sure they are organic. A powerhouse of nutrients enabling your body’s enzymes and boosting fat and

  95/ Spinach 

Spinach is rich in iron, however this iron is poorly absorbed in the body. Also high in uric acid, best to be avoided by those suffering from gout. But where spinach excels is in chlorophyll or “plant blood” making spinach a perfect food for anaemia, fatigue, mental strain and cancer, especially lung cancer or those at risk of cancer. Best eaten raw in salads or blended into whole food smoothies.

  96/ Strawberries

Strawberries will help reduce high blood pressure, arthritis and gout. Because they are splendid cleansers and purifiers of the entire body.In traditional medicine they have a reputation of eliminating gallstones and regenerating intestinal flora. Strewberries should be eaten on their own before a meal.

  97/ Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds help counter fatigue, irritability, depression and lack of energy. High in B complex vitamins and useful minerals they are also high in polyunsaturated fat. Therefore it’s vital they are fresh. They must be a uniform grey in colour. Should they be yellow / brown avoid as they have turned rancid and become very unhealthy. Buy unshelled pumpkin seeds and shell yourself for best results.

  98/ Tomatoes

They’re low in fat, high in fibre and a low-calorie source of many vitamins and minerals, but recent findings suggest tomatoes have another important nutritional benefit – they’re packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that gives them their red colour and may also have a role to play in lowering the risk of cancer.

   99/ Thyme

Thyme has impressive medicinal properties, highly antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, stimulating the bodys natural resistance. Also a tonic to the nervous system.

  100/ Turmeric

Tumeric is rich in curcumin  which has been shown to stabilize blood sugar and reverse cellular insulin resistance by increasing the number of insulin receptors and improving the receptor binding capacity to insulin.

  101/ Turnips

Turnips are another member of the sulphurous crucifier family with all the benefits. With healing antibiotic powers turnips are a traditional remedy for gout. Its claim to fame is in  a puree of turnips cooked in milk to successfully combat bronchitis.

  102/ Walnuts

Rich in protein as much as eggs weight for weight, high in potassium, vitamin C, zinc and iron. Good for the heart and circulation. Around 90% of the antioxidants in walnuts are found in the skin. Overweight try a handful of walnuts daily to help reduce fasting insulin in type 2 diabetes.

  103/ Watercress

Watercress is powerfully antibiotic a member of the crucifier family is also strongly recommended if you suffer from cancer, respiratory ailments and urinary tract infections. A good source of iodine – useful for those with low thyroid activity.

  104/ Wheat

Our last super food. Whole grain organically grown wheat in its natural form is nutritious and a super food. However many people today suffer from wheat allergies, which in some cases is more to do with the residue pesticides found in processed flour. From antiquity however comes a recipe which is highly nutritious and may be tolerated better. However not recommended if you suffer from coeliac disease because of the gluten content.

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