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Thiamin (Vitamin B1)


 Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

Formerly named Aneurin

First named Aneurin for the detrimental neurological effects if not present in the diet.
Nervous system support: Nerve transmission in peripheral nerves and the brain
Vitamin B1 can be found in almost all foods however B1 is removed in the processing and cooking of foods and can be deficient in the modern western “highly processed foods” diet.
All living organisms use thiamine, but it is synthesized only in bacteria, fungi and plants
Promotes energy production
Neurotransmitter metabolism (acetylcholine and serotonin)
Synthesis of collagen and other proteins
Increased Risk of Deficiency

Heavy alcohol consumption
Refined carbohydrates and processed foods diet
Older age groups
High coffee and black tea intake
Folate deficiency (impairs absorption of thiamin)
Strenuous exercise
Liver disease
Rapid growth: as in pregnancy, lactation and  adolescence
Oral contraceptive use
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency

Impaired sensation and reflexes
Staggering gait, poor balance
Mental confusion, defects in learning and memory, frequent headache, insomnia
Personality changes (depression, irritability)
Korsakoffs syndrome
Optic neuropathy
Weight loss – Loss of appetite
Muscle tenderness (especially in the calf muscles) and weakness
Irregular heart- beat, shortness of breath
Impaired energy production
Poor wound healing
Diminished antibody response to infection
Good Dietary Sources

Brewer’s yeast, Pork chops, Ham, Oats,  Sunflower seeds, Flax, Brown rice, Whole grains, Asparagus, Kale, Eggs, Liver, Oranges, Potatoes, Legumes, Watermelon, Rye

There are no adverse effects recorded.
Medicinal Dosage

1.4mg daily. However doses of 50mg have been recorded as giving an increase in mental acuity


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