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Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine



Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine 
Water soluble B complex vitamin consisting of three related compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine, all of which occur in foods.
B6 is the self-esteem vitamin
From Healthy Options:
“I refrain from all value judging and I am free of resentment and bitterness.
 I am unique and precious and I allow people the right to their own unique awareness”.

Aids in the absorption of vitamin B12 and the utilization of zinc, iron and magnesium
Necessary for HCI acid production in the stomach
Important co-enzyme in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats and protein synthesis
Energy for liver and muscles by facilitating the release of glycogen
Aids blood glucose regulation
Conversion of tryptophan to niacin
Synthesis of lipids (myelin sheath, polyunsaturated fatty acids [PUFAs] in cell membranes)
Hemoglobin synthesis and oxygen transport by erythrocytes
Regulates body fluids
Increases efficiency of cholesterol metabolism
Reduces nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy
Promotes normal functioning of the nervous system and muscular system
Neurotransmitter synthesis (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine)
Situations of Increased Need

Rapid growth: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy and lactation
First 3 months of pregnancy
Inflammation of nerves
High alcohol and coffee intake
High intakes of protein increase the requirement for vitamin B6
Cigarette smoking
Older age groups
Oral contraceptives
Chronic diseases (asthma, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis)
Chronic digestive disorders (diarrhea, liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome)
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency

Convulsions in new born babies
Seborrhoeic dermitis of skin: especially around the nose, mouth, ears, and the genital area
Low blood sugar
Muscular weakness
Leg cramps,
Hand numbness
Smooth, purplish-coloured, and painful tongue.
Swollen and sore throat
Inflammation of the tongue
Watere retention in pregnancy
Decreased leukocyte function
Reduced antibody production
Abnormal brain wave patterns
Muscle twitching, convulsions
Difficulty walking
May increase blood total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, lower HDL-cholesterol
Good Dietary Sources

Liver, Brewer’s yeast, Wheat germ. 1 average sized Potatoe, 1 average sized Banana, Spinach, Fish, Molasses, Avocado, Dried Peas, Beans, Green leafy vegetables
Toxicity Effects

Recommended daily dose 2mg. However because it is water soluble and not stored in the liver doses of 200mg have proved non- toxic. If administered alone it can cause an imbalance or deficiency of other B vitamins
 Medicinal Uses

Regulation of water balance in the body
Helps prevent menstrual tension
Bronchial asthma
Travel sickness
Morning sickness
Kidney stones and rheumatism
Preventing dental decay
Aids improved immune function
Helps in handling stress
Helps in treatment of male sexual disorders
Parkinson’s disease
Hair thinning and loss

Want to know more about B6 check out this video: sign and symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency


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