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I had a momentous moment when I found Barker’s Mountain Moonshine!

Barkers Mountain Moonshine 
Cold and flu prevention has been on my mind lately.

With that in mind when I went shopping the other day.

I thought I’d get a bottle of juice for the grandkids.

I found the Barker’s syrup range and had a look.

I like Barker’s syrups they’ve been around

“Brewing up a storm” for 45 years,

kinda world famous in NZ.

And the Mountain Moonshine caught my eye.

I hadn’t seen it before.

So I picked it up and read the ingredients.

Mountain Moonshine is a blend of 41% red berry juices, Elderberries and blackberries from concentrate, squeezed New Zealand black currants, water, sugars, spices, orange, flavour, vitamin C and acidity regulators 330 – Citric acid and 331 Sodium citrate.

Both acidity-regulators are considered safe and are common additives in food and beverages.

Well that sounded just perfect even a little exciting because the brew just happens to be an excellent Winter Hot Toddy.

The perfect Winter Cold and Flu Prevention for Children.

And the number reason I bought Mountain Moonshine is because the contents makes a brilliant remedy for Colds and Flu.

When I got it home and opened it up I took in a lungful of the beverage.

Notes of spices, ginger, orange and thoughts of mulled wine came to me!


So what was it that got me so excited?

Well it’s all in the Ingredients.

Mountain Moonshine contains more Cold and Flu fighting ingredients than many Cold and Flu remedies you’ll find on any supermarket shelves or in a Pharmacy.

What’s more, these ingredients will work.

Bold statement eh!

Well I’ll have to say it all comes down to some research I have been doing recently, a Special Reports project called: “Cure Colds and Flu symptoms fast by using what’s already in your pantry”.      

And during my research I come across a NZ Consumer magazine article about the disappointing results of over the counter remedies.

Quote: “Pharmacy and supermarket shelves are stacked with cold and flu remedies promising to fix your winter ills. But despite the marketing hype, there’s not much evidence that many of these products actually work. At best, they may provide temporary relief from your symptoms. Some aren’t worth paying for”.   

Quite a headline!

Most of us take it for granted that these remedies do work.

Nobody ever thinks of questioning that belief.

This NZ Consumer Magazine article really is worth a read.

A bit of an eye opener to say the least!

I knew then I had to do something about it.

Which is precisely what I did.

But getting back to Barker’s Mountain Moonshine and the reason why I think it makes such a brilliant hot toddy for winter Colds and flu.

You’re going to learn the secret of the ingredients that make Mountain Moonshine my pick for a fantastic remedy for colds and flu.

Read on…….

As I said before it’s all in the ingredients.

cold and flu prevention
Magic really! 

Let’s start with the berries and flowers known as:
“The powerhouse for the respiratory system”.

1/ Elderberries. Elderflowers from the Elder Tree.

These berries are a powerhouse for the respiratory system.

The Elder tree has long been known as a virtual medicine chest.

The flowers are used for treating colds, influenza and catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, hay fever and sinusitis.

Berries have similar properties to the flowers, with the addition to their usefulness in Rheumatism.

The respiratory tract is the main area to benefit – the herb has an ability to help dissolve mucus, reduce fever and inflammation.

Use for dry coughs, chronic nasal catarrh with deafness, lung congestion and feverish conditions.

An infusion of the dried flowers is very effective in the treatment of chest complaints and is also used to bathe inflamed eyes.

The infusion is also a very good spring tonic and blood cleanser.

A tea made from the dried berries is said to be a good remedy for colic and diarrhoea.

The fruit is widely used for making wines, preserves etc., and these are said to retain the medicinal properties of the fruit.

If you want to read more about the therapeutic activity of Elder just click here

‘ I decided I definitely had to have a recipe for home- made very therapeutic Elderberry syrup in my special report.

I have used this recipe on many occasions with the family over the years and can attest to its ability to cure colds and flu symptoms fast.

And best of all the kids love it.

Elderberry syrup is a very agreeable, pleasant, therapeutic drink’.

Encouraging research predicts NZ “Blackadder” Blackcurrants

Dr Arjan Scheepens

Dr Arjan Scheepenshelps prevent colds.

 2/ Blackcurrants

Our next ingredients in Mountain Moonshine is Blackcurrants!

Blackcurrants keep our brain young and active.

Plant and Research neuroscientist Dr Arjan Scheepens (right) says:

Of the “blackadder” variety, grown here in New Zealand.

“It turned out it was phenomenally active, and as active as a pharmaceutical drug and I was very surprised. It could replace drugs used to treat depression, anxiety and Parkinson’s disease”.

“Compounds in New Zealand blackcurrants increased cognitive functions, memory and improved mood.

Further development of a suitable product is underway to export to China and Japan – as those countries are more open to using foods medicinally”.

Blackcurrants have also historically been used to treat colds, flu, and fevers due to its diuretic actions.

One of the most potent of all antioxidants, blackcurrant oil is anti – inflammatory.

It’s often used to soothe sore throats and ease flu symptoms.

And on-going research is trying to determine if it might be able to help prevent colds, certain cancers, and heart disease.

‘By now I’m sure you can guess, I just had to add Mountain Moonshine to my special report as well!

“Food Medicine” is uncovering very exciting, powerful therapeutic actions in the common foods we consume daily.

The biggest benefit to using food medicine is no bad side effects.

Another benefit to using food medicine, it is safe for anyone to use’.  

This next spice is one of my favourite therapeutic herbs ever!

 3/ Ginger is another great anti – inflammatory herb.

Adding a hot and spicy flavour that can move any congestion or pain.

The pungent root can act as an antihistamine and decongestant.

Also perfect for when you have the chills.

In winter many people suffer from colds and flu.

Chinese medicine refers to this form of sickness as “invading cold” or “invading damp” which means that the system has been assailed by the cold weather.

Whether in the form of: influenza, chills, coughs, or bronchitis, this is a condition that lasts far too long for anyone.

Help can be found as close to you as your spice rack.

If you want to read more about the therapeutic activity of Ginger just click here

And Ginger destroys Influenza viruses.

 ‘In my Special Report I have included several cold and flu cure recipes using ginger.

Some of the most delicious therapeutic “hot toddy” include fresh ginger root.

A very prominent spice in the food medicine arsenal ginger is a true superfood that also enhances any food it is accompanied with.

 Mountain Moonshine Tastes Amazing!

As you can see that is quite a powerful number of ingredients to put into a humble fruit syrup.

One 200ml serve contains 85% of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C.

Sure Tastes Amazing!

And it is no wonder Mountain Moonshine became a finalist in the NZ Food Awards.award

I consider Mountain Moonshine is a prominent player in your supermarket shopping list when considering

“Colds and flu cures”.

Wow! Who would have thought! It just shows you how powerful a medicine every day food can be.

Now I should really point out:

The producer “Barker’s” has in no way recommended Mountain Moonshine for therapeutic use.

And I have no affiliation with Barker’s syrups.

My recommendation is merely my opinion of the contents of this amazing drink.

Next time you go to the supermarket you absolutely must check it out!

I came across more than 50 home-made remedies and after finding Mountain Moonshine I have added this extraordinary syrup to my list of recommendations to help relieve cold and flu symptoms fast.

Check out the Barker’s website they have so many recipes and ideas for Mountain Moonshine.

Which is the drink they launched to celebrate 45 years of producing fruit syrups in New Zealand.

And add one more “Food Medicine” benefit to its production.

The food medicine powerhouse for the respiratory system can be found in Barkers Mountain Moonshine syrup.

And for Colds and flu cures!

I can guarantee Mountain Moonshine will not disappoint you.

One little point that you may not have missed is the sugar content!

Be rest assured that even though mountain moonshine is a syrup with high sugar content most of the sugars in this syrup are fructose sugar with a slower absorption time and less harmful than regular sugar.

One 200ml (200ml diluted 1 part syrup to 2 parts water) glass of mountain moonshine has 22g of sugars.

A 350ml can of coke has 35gms.

For the purposes of making the grandkids a refreshing and therapeutic drink I dilute this drink by 1 part syrup to 6 parts warm water.

Still a great winter warming nutritious drink for the grandkids with much less sugar, however when it comes to a remedy for Colds and Flu fighting, I recommend 1 part syrup to 2 parts water.

If you would like to learn how to make over 50 of your very own home remedies for Cold and Flu symptoms with what’s already in your pantry.

You can get instant access to my Special Report here.

Included in this special report you will find:

The #1 way to get rid of Colds and Flu with a recipe that is over 800 years old and is still “the best cold remedy there is” says Dr Irwin Ziment, M.D. Pulmonary Specialist at UCLA. – You’ll wish you had known about this years ago!”

“You’ll find out the best way to “Build Resistance to Winters Ills and Chills – it’s easier than you think!”

See page 23 to find out a surprising way to relieve congestion and asthma symptoms even if you don’t have any medical training or prescription drugs.

You’ll discover a surprising way to kill all flu viruses fast – and it has nothing to do with the flu vaccine!

You’ll get a surprisingly simple 1 step process for boosting your resistance that has never been so easy on page 20!


And much more…… 

Do you have any cold and flu remedies that have worked for you and your family?

Would you like to share your own recipes?

I know my readers would love to share your ideas too.

Please feel free to add and share your own tips, remedies and cures for cold and flu prevention.

I love hearing from you and the more information we share with the people we care about, our friends, family and loved ones will all benefit!


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