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How Intuition protects us and can Save our Lives.

 How Intuition protects us and can Save our Lives.

Intuition the leap of faith. 

We all have cancer, day in day out our bodies deal with cancerous chemicals and toxins that could become cancer.
A healthy well- oiled machine, the body will deal with every threat it comes in contact with, sometimes without showing any symptoms of disease.
So how do things go wrong? We have seen people who eat healthy food, exercise regularly and seem in perfect health get cancer too, why have they got cancer when it seems they do everything right?
Could we be victims of lifestyle disease? Does our attitude need attention?
Dr Lissa Rankin MD pondered this question as well. Because of her own wellness concerns, working in a practice seeing over 40 patients a day she found herself very unwell, overwhelmed with exhaustion and a strong feeling of having a heart attack in her 40’s she made a lifestyle change and moved to an integrative medical practice where she only saw 7 patients a day.
These people appeared to be in perfect health, they were doing everything right, so why did they have disease? The answer had to be elsewhere, so she started by just talking to them, asking questions like:
What is your body saying no to?
Do you feel you are in touch with your calling?
Are your relationships nurturing you?
Do you feel like you have a sense of support and community?
What does your body need in order to heal?

And here is what Dr Rankin discovered in her own words:

“People would spend hours filling in the form and they would come back and say – man that form was the best therapy ever – and we would end up talking for about an hour. From spending the time with a patient I could get a really good picture about why these people were actually sick and people would surprise themselves with instant answers like, I have to quit my job. I have to get out of my tough marriage, I need to go to art school. They were essentially speaking from their heart and intuition. Then they started implementing these thoughts and writing their own prescription and healing themselves.
Symptoms that patients had like heart failure, started to go away – spontaneous remissions – so I studied them – HIV, stage 4 cancer, gunshot wounds to the head. By providing TIME and LOVE my patients were able to go into their body and discover what they needed to do in order to heal. They felt supported and safe enough to make these changes and in doing so the big thing we discovered was the body can heal itself”.
Those natural self-healing mechanisms that heal cancer every day, that fight viruses every day, kill fungus, that rebuild proteins and renew the body every day – those self-repair mechanisms are dependent on the nervous system of which there are 2 the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system.
And according to Wikipedia:

The parasympathetic nervous system (usually abbreviated PSNS, not PNS, to avoid confusion with the peripheral nervous system[PNS]) is one of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the other being the sympathetic nervous system.[1] The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the body’s unconscious actions. The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed”[2] activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation. Its action is described as being complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response.
Dr Rankin found that,

“Although these patients were doing everything right their nervous system was in fright and flight all the time making it impossible to repair and this was common with all of these patients – and in our culture. We are only supposed to have SNC result when we are being chased by a tiger or when our physical health is in danger.  So people who were addressing what was really bothering them – quitting their job, the marriage, moving, doing what they want – were healing themselves by getting into the parasympathetic state to enable the body to repair.
You have to ask yourself, what is the role of ill health in my body – is it stress? Inflammation? If everyone on the planet adopted ill health as a warning to make changes, then everybody would perceive adversity, particularly illness in the body is a message that something in your body is off, out of alignment in your life and calling for your attention.
Many women with cancer would say cancer is the best thing that happened to me – when you are able to move through the painful experience of feeling like a victim of your illness and move into the powerful experience of being empowered- my illness is here with a message for me – what am I supposed to learn? Where am I out of alignment with my truth? Where am I in doubt about something? How could this illness be an opportunity for my awakening?
When people get into that curious state I have seen people have massive epiphanies and sometimes remissions from their illness simply by making certain lifestyle changes.
I discovered my illness was a symptom of my life rather than just a biochemical thing that needed drugs. You could keep giving me drugs but as long as I wasn’t treating the root cause of my illness they are just bandages.
Because I was still in chronic repetitive stress response. No wonder my heart rate was going up into the 200/110. I had high blood pressure and on 3 blood pressure medications and my blood pressure was still 200/110 I was about to drop dead from a stroke or heart attack. I think there are a lot of people who are held captive by their symptoms, they are trying everything and not getting better. So are they missing out by not tapping into the relaxation response?
Tony Singh, India – put together a hospital where they combine conventional medicine along with Sharma’s and various other spiritual healers. Why do we need to have 2 camps – the Sharma, mystical, spiritual and the conventional – why?
I think of myself as a bridge – collaborate – welcomed together in integrity – who’s the quack – when they find cures where others can’t.
We need intuition – we don’t have the science to explain it yet – it’s hard to listen to your intuition when you have a logical thinking mind-set. Intuition tells you – I have to quit my job. Whereas recognising the issues and acknowledging them – ‘this is where I have to make changes’,
Intuition is fast – so the first thing that comes to mind is often intuition – close your eyes for a minute – let’s just pretend for a moment – we live in a universe where we have the seeing world and the unseeing world.
Where in the seeing world we have nature and everything we can see and in the unseeing world we have all the things we cannot see – stay in the unseeing world for a moment and call forward anything you are confused about – maybe it’s, what is my body saying no to? Maybe you’re not getting an answer – maybe it is a decision you are trying to make about your career or a relationship, or even, where am I going to go on vacation?
It doesn’t have to be a big thing. But call forth a question, something you don’t know the answer to – that you are feeling conflicted about – just take a moment to call forth what that is – when you get that question pretend you have an i-phone and visualize yourself typing the question into the text – and once you have it typed in press send – and now look at your phone and imagine you have been sent the answer so fast its right on your phone immediately – read the text – some people get nothing – some people think too hard and others receive a very clear answer.
Wow that was fast – and then there mind says wait how do I know I can trust that? – Learn to hear that voice and trust that voice I have evidence based faith – I was walking through the mall and a voice in my head said – go to the gap – I wasn’t there to shop for clothes – I didn’t want to go- but I listened to that voice – and when I went into that shop – someone was having a code blue – I was needed – oh that was my inner wisdom – my intuition working – many people have similar stories – extraordinary knowing happens a lot to healthcare providers – built in self knowing protection – build your intuitive muscle – imagine the intuitive sense of a child – a sixth sense that protects them from the abusive family member. Intuition is not recognised and even quelled in our culture – when you are among intuitive people where intuition is part of their culture – everyone is protected – intuition protects us.
Illness can strike for no apparent reason, take the time to ask yourself the question, what does my body need in order to heal? Take the time to examine, how you could help your body to repair?
The answer may appear to you when you take the time to ponder these questions.
Dr Lissa Rankin MDDr Lissa Rankin MD 
Dr Lissa Rankin is the author of Mind over Medicine a very informative read that may help you ‘heal your thoughts and Cure your body. I hope you enjoyed this article and as always I am keen to hear your thoughts and comments. Perhaps you have a story you wish to share? We would love to hear from you. Happy reading everyone.


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