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Wild Weeds and How They Heal the Body.


Wild Weeds and How They Heal the Body.

Have you ever considered eating weeds? Not many of us have, the only thing we have considered is killing them. Weeds are considered by most of us to be such a nuisance in our garden and lawns each year we get out there and wage war on them obliterating them with Roundup.
Crazy isn’t it when you think the very product you are using to rid yourself of weeds is a known carcinogen according to the World Health Organisation, (Roundup has been used for decades now and you will find it in most garden sheds around the world. We thought it was safe, turns out we were very wrong) and the very weed you are exterminating is most likely a cure for cancer and your disease.

How did we get it so wrong?
Many common weeds in our gardens and roadsides are powerful allies for our health, they nourish and nurture good health and they are free to all of us who recognize their value and know where to safely forage for them.
However it is crucial we become experts at identifying each plant and I can think of no better website than Julia’s edible weeds to help you identify wild weeds in all stages of their growth.
Wild weeds pack in more nutrition than any vegetable or supplement CLICK TO TWEET

Julia’s Story and Secret to Recovery.

Julia found the secret to recovery after being diagnosed with the autoimmune disease, Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenic Purpura (ITP) or low platelets, meaning she bruised easily and didn’t clot blood very well. She also had heavy menstrual bleeding, which together with low platelets is a dangerous combination. In June 2008 Julia had to have a hysterectomy.  Three months after that operation she suffered a stroke when the platelets were again extremely low, although it is not clear whether the low platelets caused the stroke or not. Julia recovered from the stroke but noticed her joints were sore and aching, she had tried supplements and many alternative health remedies from homeopathy to acupuncture to aura healing to cure it.
Then Julia Discovered Green Smoothies

Julia first heard of green smoothies from the gardening expert Wally Richards who lives in Palmerston North, where she also lived until 2008.  Wally talked about the benefits of leafy greens and making them into a smoothie.  Julia was interested in this idea but it took until September 2010 for her to take the leap and start making green smoothies. Today Julia drinks 1-2 litres of green smoothies daily and has never felt better with more energy than she has ever had all her adult life. She has also noticed she needs 1-2 hours less sleep per night waking up fresh and alert, she has lost weight, and is not stiff anymore and her joint pain is vastly improved, she recovers really fast from heavy physical work, and often passes two stools per day, she no longer has low blood sugar in the afternoon anymore and her platelets are very stable.
The Benefits of Drinking Wild Weed Green Smoothies.

The benefits of drinking daily wild weed green smoothies are increased amounts of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and fibre. They help boost the immune system, maintain the correct pH balance in the body, cleanse our inner organs and are a complete and an easily digestible superfood. Untampered by technology and chemicals wild weeds provide more nutrition than any farmed vegetable and they can taste great.
Seven of my personal favorite Wild Weeds are:

Chickweed – a powerhouse multi vitamin and mineral dense plant with so many therapeutic gifts. Great for weight loss and tired, itchy or infected eyes.

Nettles – also highly nutrient dense and addictively delicious. A blood purifier, skin complaints, cleansing tonic, used for hay fever and treating arthritic pain, gout, sciatica, to stem internal bleeding, haemorrhoids and neuralgia.

Dandelions – dandelion is such a powerhouse of therapeutic significance an ideally balanced diuretic that may be used safely wherever such an action is needed. High in potassium matchless in delivery, safety and efficacy. No man made product can compare. Dandelion root is used in inflammation, a valuable liver tonic and recommended for chronic jaundice, rheumatism, blood disorders, auto-intoxication, chronic skin eruptions, chronic gastritis, aphthous ulcers.

 Yellow Dock – Has an “alterative” action through the stimulation of bile secretion, liver clearing and excretion of metabolic waste through improved bowel action. An iron tonic – used for jaundice, a tonic for constipation, anaemia, arthritis, chronic skin conditions, psoriasis, slow healing wounds, laryngitis and gingivitis.

Plantain – Greater plantain, Rat-tail plantain – externally for slow healing wounds,  blepharitis (eyewash), conjunctivitis, mouth inflammation (mouthwash) ulcers (mouth wash). Internally – cystitis, calculus, prostatitis, haematuria. The significant amount of tannins make plantain lanceolate and plantain major an astringent as well as an anti-haemorrhagic.

Cleavers– Is a lymphatic alterative including that associated with upper respiratory infections and inflammations. Internally for cystitis, oedema, externally for psoriasis, eczema, burns and abrasions.

Elder Tree – A virtual medicine chest – A decoction of the leaves can be used as an insecticide – The flowers are used in skin lotions, oils and ointments, for treating burns and scalds, the flowers are also useful for chest complaints and inflamed eyes. The infusion is also a very good spring tonic and blood cleanser. A tea made from the dried berries is said to be a good remedy for colic and diarrhoea, fever in infants and young children and the ground cooked berries with honey are great for coughs and sore throats.

Most of these weeds are plants that we see every day that grow in close vicinity to humans and they are just a small handful of the nutritious abundant natural pharmacy we have at our doorstep. 

They are well worth further investigation and daily consumption. But first I would suggest some identification of these weeds to make sure you have the right plant. 

Julia has proven by getting herself well, simplifying what she ate, and by consuming wild weeds she recovered rapidly and today enjoys excellent health..
If you want to give them a go, shoot on over to Julia’s site, do a bit of study on identification, follow the rules for tasting a new plant for the first time and add some weeds to your daily smoothies.

Your body will thank you and you will benefit from Natures Super foods.

Live long and prosper!


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