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Why a healthy diet and saving the planet are the same thing.


How good would it be to feel GREAT in 2020

Better than you have felt in years.

What’s it worth to you?

Most of us want to write off 2020. It will go down in history as the most extraordinary year of our entire life. Interestingly I first wrote this article in 2019 but it clearly required an update because the most extraordinary thing happened. Mother Nature talked to us. She showed us undoubtedly what a mess we have made of our environment and just how quickly she can repair when we get out of her way.

Did you miss it?

I never did like the 2019 version of this article anyway because it started with this gloomy premonition.

In 1988 we reached a population of 5 billion people in the world. Science agrees we reached a tipping point where the earths ability to repair the damage man has made to our planet was lost and the damage man made to the planet took over.

The environmental pollutants from the industrial revolution in the early 1800 to the agricultural chemical revolution of post WW2 – have accumulated and persisted in our environment to such a level it is now causing chronic disease to accelerate.

With the production offertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs DDTs, phthalates and more than 83000 other chemicals it appears the EPA stakeholders have called for its reform, citing the EPA's inability to regulate the use of asbestos, among other substances.

These chemicals have an adverse effect on human health

For as long as man has existed the body’s number one defense system against disease has been the immune system. With good nutrition the immune system is able to deal with parasites, moulds, bacteria, fungus, viruses and bugs. And although the body can deal with and expel most harmful chemicals the added burden on the immune system has been overwhelming for a growing number of people who now suffer chronic disease.

Yes we are living longer but more of us are suffering and living with some form of chronic disease.

And for the first time in history our children will not live as long as us.

It's time to STOP our bad habits and change our ways, or life as we know it will no longer exist.

We can all do our bit to help.

The way to start is to nurture yourself and do nothing to harm mother-nature anymore.

We must return to nature to survive. We have to do things naturally which means in harmony with nature. For example – it’s time we stopped our war on weeds because it turns out we are using a product proven to cause cancer, to kill cancer curing weeds.

We can start by reducing our dependence on these chemicals. We know they harm us. 70% of all autoimmune disease is caused by environmental toxins.

Mother-nature has made it quite clear to us, she can repair and she can do it rapidly if only we just get out of her way. 

The covid pandemic and subsequent world lockdown gave her the chance to show us how polluted our world is. The airs cleared over Italy, Wuhan China, all of Europe, the whole world saw first-hand the undeniable truth of our impact on the planet. 

I noticed it first in lockdown

 I noticed it first when I went for a walk, the air was crisp and fresh, there was a silence of traffic noise and bird sounds were predominant, if a car did go past me I could smell the fumes from the exhaust long after it passed. It occurred to me how sensitive my olfactory senses had become. I do not smell all the fumes from all the cars on the road now that we are post lockdown. I'm sure the lockdown averted a much bigger catastrophe. We know air pollution places a burden on our immune system it’s well documented. I feel grateful my immune system had a break from having to deal with pollution as well as covid 19.

And time to allow mother earth to rejuvenate.

It put the balance back in my favour and probably reduced my risk considerably. Everyone I talked to loved the relaxing 4 weeks rest at home. Did you?

Food is information that with the right roadmap has the power to CURE chronic disease.

The food we choose to eat has the power to unburden our immune system, remove toxins, boost immune function, reduce inflammation, fight covid 19, restore wellbeing and boost our energy, but only when we choose fresh food.

Avoid man made food or “company food”.

Francine Joy Drescher is an American actress, comedian, writer, and activist. She is best known for her role as Fran Fine in the hit TV series The Nanny, and for her nasal voice and thick New York accent. Fran is also a cancer survivor and coined the phrase “Don’t put a company in your mouth”.

Most of us have never considered there are 10 food companies in the world who have 56 different names for sugar. They want you to buy their product and will invest in whatever will make you buy more because companies want to make a profit. Company food is not real food. Company food is processed with preservatives, colourings, flavourings additives, and some known carcinogens

“Organic” – really means real food.

The word organic was invented by the food industry because if they called their food herbicide, pesticide, preservative, artificial colouring and artificial flavouring food. I don’t think we would buy it. That’s how it started. But organic really means real food. That’s food with no bar code. An avocado has no bar code. 

We could Eat local fresh food – because local food has the power to resist all the toxins of the same environment I live in. They have managed to grow and thrive in the very environment we live in and pass on to me that protection it created to grow. Fresh from garden to plate with optimum nutrient density. No travel miles. Picked when ripe. Low in cost. Good for me.

I say: Eat to Beat Disease and Save the Planet.

Food helps – Food is the first line of defense food is information to our bodies. As long as the information going in is natural whole foods we can create – prebiotics and Probiotics – and nourish the gut. We can boost the diversity of the bacterial environment and boost our health. 

Once you have reprogrammed your body with optimum nutrition disease disappears.

 When you are no longer tempted by the addictive nature of processed junk food. 

You will look at food and even before you take the first bite you will say to yourself is this good for my body and my planet?

It doesn’t take long for you to reap the benefits of a good diet, just 7 days of good food can reverse 15 years of suffering bad health.

One patient Jan was overweight, had high cholesterol, congestive heart failure and pre diabetic – rather than go down the path she was going Jan changed her life and went on a diet she lost almost 20 kilo’s and was off all her meds in 3 months.

This is unheard of in main stream medicine. You get your meds and you stay on them for life? And often require more meds to counter the side effects of the other meds you are on.

Jan could see where this was going?

Maybe she had read this quote:

Imagine if you had a million dollar race horse?

Would you feed it junk food?

Only if you were an idiot right!

You have this amazing investment – would you hurt it-

Only if you were stupid!

But aren’t you worth it – of course you are – you are worth a whole lot more – so why would you hurt yourself and put junk in your one and only beautiful body.

I don’t want to deprive myself, but if you’re eating bad food aren’t you really depriving yourself of what you really want the most which is your good health and energy? (anyomonimous).

We might have to rethink health.

Food matters, health is 80% diet, 20% is everything else.

Movement is important.

Just remember this, bacteria grows in a stagnant pond.

Your lymph system in the body removes waste, dead cells and debris. It requires movement to help eliminate waste from the body. So move often. Move in your favourite way. Dance. Walk. Whatever rings your bell.

Heal yourself first. Then think about serious exercise. 

Thoughts matter too!

Here are some Rules of the Mind.

Every thought you think causes a physical reaction and an emotional response within you.

1/ What is expected tends to be realised.

2/ In a battle with emotion and logic, emotion always wins.

3/ Your mind always does what you think it will do.

4/ Your mind works to move you from pain to pleasure

5/ Your mind responds to the pictures and words you install

6/ The mind learns by repetition

7/ The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs or thoughts they cancel each other out.

8/ Your mind does not care if what you say is good, bad, true, false, healthy, unhealthy, right or wrong. It acts on your words regardless

Food has the power to CURE FLC (feeling like crap)

“There is no drug on the planet that has the power to change your health so dramatically, every bite of food is information and if you put junk in you get junk out. It’s so easy! Leave the food that man made and eat the food that god made.”

And according to Dr Naviaux:

 “I believe that the rules of acute care medicine rely on the body’s natural healing pathways to remain intact.  This requirement does not hold for chronic disease.  In chronic disease, the normal healing cycle is blocked, so full recovery, when treated with current medicines, almost never happens”.

Dr Robert Naviaux MD, PhD is Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Pathology at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine. He is the founder and co-director of the Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disease Center and former President of the Mitochondrial Medicine Society (MMS).

In closing I want to quote these wise words by Dr Mark Hyman


"We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food and health care policies that don’t support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system that protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens”.


Thank you!

That sums it up perfectly and my sentiments too.


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