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Is Vitamin C and Ivermectin the most ethical treatment for Covid 19?New post

If you google vitamin C in PubMed ( largest government scientific research site in the world) you will get 69,047 results for vitamin C and if you search for vitamin C Covid 19 you will get 260 results. Over 70,000 medical research papers exist for the health benefits of vitamin C.


Lets start at the beginning.

When a new "Novel" virus called Covid 19 is announced to the world in January 2020 we had no idea our lives would never be the same again.

Based upon flawed Computer Modelling Predictions that claimed hundreds of millions of people would die worldwide a pandemic was declared for Covid 19. Computer modelling told us 100,000 New Zealanders would lose their lives. 18 months have passed and 28 people have died in New Zealand with Covid 19, the seasonal flu generally takes 1500 lives in New Zealand every year. In 2020 we recorded the lowest deaths in New Zealand for decades.

According to Medsafe adverse event reporting up to and including 2nd October 2021. 86 deaths after receiving the Covid 19 vaccine and 929 serious events (lifelong disability).

Our governments around the western world respond with one message to us all. You must wait for a vaccine from "Big Pharma" in the meantime do not fill up our hospitals until you can't breathe and your doctor can't help you, nothing else is allowed. Doctors must follow this mandate or what the government decree or lose their licence to practice medicine.

The message is clear from the government the vaccine is your saviour and you all have to take it or you will never be FREE.

Because we will stop you from working. And you cannot buy food or go to a restaurant, the ball game or a concert or the theatre or the Mall.


Almost 18 months later real world data shows us Covid 19 is described as a “severe respiratory illness” a severe flu season not really different from any other seasonal flu!

What is different is our world as we know it has been turned upside down for a virus no different from any other seasonal "flu". We have had lockdowns, restrictions and our liberty gone, human rights are ignored and small business has been devastated, all but destroyed. Our economies ruined and thousands of kiwis are plunged into poverty. Many people have died from lack of and disrupted medical treatments or suicide. While the rich get richer like never before and our governments have become tyrannical dictators with one central goal to jab us with an experimental vaccine still in the first stages of medical trials which do not finish until 2023.

The vaccine has killed more people in New Zealand than Covid 19 and killed more people in the world than any other vaccine in the past 60 years combined.

And the death toll keeps rising, not from Covid 19, but from after vaccination, now in New Zealand 3x the people have died after the vaccine 929 with serious injuries (lifelong disability) but the government tells us the vaccine is safe and effective and you cannot say NO.

We want 90% of New Zealanders vaccinated there is no choice. While high vaccination rates in Israel at 96% has not created herd immunity and proves it won’t work. Their hospital admissions for Covid 19 are now 68% fully vaccinated.

Our government is ignoring the evidence that is perfectly clear, the vaccines a failure and not able to create herd immunity. Because the vaccines do not give you immunity from Covid 19 and they do not stop you from passing it on to anyone else.

Now they want our children to take it and you cannot say NO!


The virus is documented as no threat to our children, there is no need to vaccinate them especially when the studies are not over, no long term data is available. We have preliminary data to say the vaccine is not safe and not fit for purpose as spike protein antibodies wane in just 6 months.

Israel is now giving its third booster shot! Where will this end.

We have many more options successfully used around the world and vitamin C is just one!

Vitamin C is commonly used to fight the seasonal flu every year in New Zealand and now it could help prevent vaccine injury too.

Since the 1920's we have known about vitamin C’s antiviral activity.

 Indeed a favourite, I have often taken 6000 iu that day at the first sign of the a cold and usually all symptoms are gone by the next day. We shouldn't really call it a vitamin because it performs much more complex roles in our body, able to give and receive oxygen molecules, called a Redox Molecule. Vitamin C can affect functional and structural changes associated with vascular hypertension for example protecting the entire heart. Some people have experienced a variety of heart problems from Covid19 and vitamin C could help with these issues. In the Shanghai study even though the elderly lady had Covid 19 all other family members were negative when tested. So keep up the good diet and supplement with vitamin C. And regardless of being vaccinated or not get onto vitamin C at the first sign of a cold. It cannot harm you and only help.

A powerhouse responsible for so many bodily functions mother-nature made sure you can find it in almost all fruits and vegetables.

Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19

 “An elderly lady who lived with extended family was hospitalised with Covid 19, but when family members were tested they were all negative. They were all taking 10,000 iu of vitamin C daily.”

China levelled Covid 19 largely with the help of Vitamin C.

Along with other high performing cheap generic off label drugs used successfully for more than 50 years with proven safety records and 3.7 billion prescriptions “Ivermectin” proved its worth combatting Covid 19 accounting for an 85% reduction in hospitalisation and death. (1)

 The Indian state of 241 Million Uttar Pradesh is now COVID free after government promotes Ivermectin  (2)

Where these drugs and supplements were used doctors overcome the virus. Doctors use clinical judgement every day and often use off label drugs for conditions other than their original purpose.

But strangely where Covid 19 was concerned in New Zealand the orders were to stay at home and only go to the hospital when you are short of breath.

But we really didn’t get exposed to Covid 19 in NZ, very few people got it we managed to keep it out. You could hardly call it a pandemic here in NZ when the star of the show was absent.

The government lockdown and closed boarders worked wonderfully for keeping Covid in Isolation and out of our country at large. NZ was so successful we became the media darling of the world for a short time.

Luckily big pharma came to the rescue, with our one and only solution.

Our TV Media, social media and government propaganda machine promoted the 1 single solution allowed. Natural immunity didn’t count and no other choices are recommended. Any readily available alternative or successful treatments were banned on social media. The research on vitamin C was ignored. There is only one solution the vaccine, anything that varied from the official CDC or FDA or google/facebook Fact checkers rule book was certified Misinformation or Disinformation.

But in the meantime. The remedy was Isolate from friends and family lock yourself away. Be afraid of everyone, be concerned about an uncertain future. Be concerned about possibly losing your job, or rely on a reduced income from a government subsidy to try and pay the bills.

You just have to wait until we can get the vaccine to you.

The news reports every night showed the horrors going on overseas, because nobody really had Covid 19 in NZ and there was nothing to report.

We did record 26 deaths from Covid 19, however 25 deaths were rest-home residents that most likely had 2 or more other comorbidities and may have died from the seasonal flu anyway.

In 2020 the CDC changed how a death was recorded for Covid 19. This year all deaths were recorded as Covid 19 and all comorbidities were counted on the second line as a cause of death.

Causing confusing and a complete reversal of the way deaths had been recorded for seventeen years.

The CDC had changed the rules and by doing so inflated death records from Covid 19 by a whopping 94%.

It didn’t matter what you died from, heart disease, cancer, road accident if you had been diagnosed previously with Covid 19 it was recorded as a Covid 19 death.

The CDC later admitted 94%  (3)  of recorded Covid 19 deaths were not the primary cause of death. The most prominent co morbidity has always been listed as the cause of death with contributing comorbidities and Covid 19 if they had it would be on the next line. CDC estimated the real deaths were actually around 6% of all Covid 19 deaths recorded.

Meanwhile in NZ we still didn’t really have Covid 19 in the population and this year’s flu in 2021 is the “Delta variant” of Covid 19.

The normal life cycle of a seasonal flu virus always includes variants, mutated versions of the original virus. Normally as the virus mutates it gets weaker and weaker and eventually disappears and while more infective than the original form they are usually less deadly. Every season our immune system is exposed to another variation of flu.

Our immune system is smart enough to recognise variations of “corona viruses” for example, even when they are only 80% identical to the original flu. Most flu variants only change around 3% from the original virus which is enough for the immune system to recognise easily.

It was just one case of Delta in NZ for the government to lockdown Auckland down for the next four weeks in level 4.

Meanwhile testing is ramped up, everyone is worried and the healthy get tested. More cases are found because we are now using a CT of 40. The media now turn their attention to the daily cases detected by using a CT score guaranteed to return a false positive result 97% of the time.  It is never recommended to test the healthy especially with such a controversial and inaccurate type of test, because it is highly likely to find anything you are looking for if the CT amplification is set high enough.

The FDA and Dr Anthony Fauci recommended a CT score no higher than 35. Anything over 35 was most likely a false positive with less than 3% accuracy.

In the beginning of Covid in 2020 I remember seeing a paper that said NZ used a CT score of 25 to detect Covid 19, a level of acceptable accuracy.

According to “voices for freedom” website the government has set the CT score for detecting “Delta” at a CT of 40.

Warning: If you are not sick do NOT get a PCR test. For an accurate test the Saliva test is more reliable.

Withholding cheap effective lifesaving medication from the public is a criminal act.

Deliberately misleading the public by vilifying known remedies is a criminal act. Yet by claiming there is no current medication to fight Covid 19 big pharma illegally won the FDA approval to grant Emergency Authority for their very expensive unproven “experimental mRNA technology” to fight Covid 19.

Never trialled in humans before early short term studies showed promising results for the Pfizer mRNA technology.

These brand new technologies work by informing your DNA to make a single spike protein that overrides our normal immune system response, it will NOT give you immunity from catching the virus, and will NOT stop you from spreading the virus but it will reduce the severity of symptoms. Sounds great doesn’t it the relative risk reduction was estimated to be 95% and the mathematical conjuring looks good to go. However the real figure we should look at for accuracy is the Absolute Risk Reduction for taking the vaccine / or not taking the vaccine was less than 1%. But that doesn’t look as good as 95% so we will use RRR instead.

I would like to say NO thanks and no way never!

I’ve got vitamin C, vitamin D3 with k2, zinc, garlic, onions, chilli and Echinacea that will protect me from all the adverse effects of Covid 19. I will be boosting my immune system at the same time.

Mother-nature is remarkable.

Her complexity is vast and still remains a mystery to science and medicine. At lightning speed she can communicate her intentions via a mycelium network far beyond our understanding. Transforming man’s gravest nuclear catastrophes, back to nature and healing the landscape. Radium absorbing mushrooms suck up the pollution in Chernobyl, certain plant life absorbs nuclear waste and repairs the land through regenerating microbes, bacteria, viruses fungi and parasites creating harmony and restoring abundant life once again.  

Man barely understands the role of viruses in our body but we do know, not all of them are here to harm us.

Just as well they number 10/31 in and around us at all times, continuously communicating interfacing in our shared biome complementary to and enhancing our environment.

We are just beginning to uncover the secrets of our microbiome.

Not all germs are created equal. Not all of them harm us more often they are protecting us from another pathogen. We are never alone we are connected with all life on earth where every microbe plays its role in the balance of sustaining life on earth.

Viruses are not always the enemy, they could be considered an update from mother-nature presented to our immune system to strengthen our defences and support for life.

Without certain viruses bacteria would get out of control and dominate. The imbalance can cause temporary discomfort alerting other microbes to adjust back to harmonious balance.

FEAR is the enemy.

FEAR of a virus that seems unreasonable on examination.

FEAR has been used as coercion to get people vaccinated.

FEAR of losing your job, income, livelihood and freedom to go to a café, supermarket, concert or restaurant.

In violation of the Nuremburg code 1946. A person must have Informed Consent which is the full declaration of side effects both short term and long term and if the vaccine is still undergoing trials. The Pfizer vaccine information sheet is completely blank no side effects are listed until the 1st stage of trials are completed in May 2023. Experimental products that have NOT gone through the normal 10 -15 year long term studies for safety before it goes on the market. Must be given with the patient’s full knowledge of its status. You must be told you are taking an experimental vaccine. With no long term safety studies. You cannot say they are safe and effective because you simply don’t know.

But the government and media proclaim them 95% safe and effective. This[DH1]  is misleading the public and violates the Nuremburg code.

Mandatory vaccines also violate the Nuremburg code because you cannot force experimental technology on anybody without their consent. Businesses are not entitled to know your vaccine status or any private medical information.

Health and safety is all about “First do no Harm”, so it would be very hard to push a vaccine on to employees.

When we are constantly told we are fragile and unable to handle a seasonal flu and only new, patented, expensive experimental medical interventions are the only option you can take. No choice is a very hard pill to swallow for anybody.

Day in day out we are exposed to 10x 31 (31 more zeros) viruses

We know they can be helpfull in the body. Our immune system handles the seasonal flu every year. A healthy diet, sunshine, exercise, reducing stress, a clean chemical free environment, home grown fruit and vegetables all contribute to boosting a healthy immune system.

And it’s no surprise to us that pesticides, herbicides, BPA’s in plastics, toxic home cleaning products, processed foods, lack of sunshine and connection with nature, lack exercise, lack of sleep, high stress, FEAR, depression, loss of a job isolation from loved ones and substance abuse all reduce your immune systems effectiveness.

Nature is complex in a constant balancing act sustaining and preserving life. Able to blitz man’s most harmful disasters and dispense healing plants to nourish and repair the planet as well as all who live here. Harnessing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that live in us and on us to communicate and cooperate in sustaining a healthy balanced environment.

Our immune system will attack the spike protein.

Synthetic mRNA technology is foreign matter, our immune system will attack and try to eradicate. The spike protein is designed to override our natural immune defences. Steeling its way past my first line of defence (the innate immune response) and cleverly tricking our body to make a spike protein that will adhere to my cells via an ace 2 receptor that is all over my body. Large numbers of Ace 2 receptors are in our organs with the highest concentrations found in our reproductive glands. We don’t know the affect it will have on fertility, cancers or organs we have to wait and see.

What could possibly go wrong?

Doctors who spoke up were censored on social media and sanctioned by their medical organizations for speaking up against the narrative.

Our governments declared Ivermectin not proven to work for Covid 19 because the double blind cross over studies have not been done even though 241 million people in Uttar Pradesh (4) are now COVID free and numerous more studies exist for the efficacy of vitamin C!

4 decades of use and 3.7 billion prescriptions be evidence enough for a doctor to try it and see if it works. Some doctors have said enough is enough, take my licence, I don’t care, this is about my oath to do no harm. Those rouge doctors have plenty of evidence but the authorities will not listen.

The government said NO. Ivermectin has been withdrawn from the market in NZ.

A factory that made it burned down and media/governments reinforced the message we have the vaccine the only solution.

These protocols created by frontline doctors saved lives. Up to an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths.

Countries like India, Peru and Italy had great success using these off label cheap medications.

Some countries simply could not afford the demands of Pfizer’s vaccine supply rules. I have herd Pfizer demanded a countries assets as guarantees before they would release them. Once countries had paid they get the assets back?

No good will there.

The tax payer of America already funded the entire vaccine production and manufacture. Pfizer spent none of their own money. However Pfizer will not charge for the vaccine experiment until FDA approval is given.

Miraculously they got provisional approval in the fastest time of any drug or vaccine ever.

So now they can charge for the vaccine and make even more money than the 60 billion dollars they already have. We will take your countries assets and keep them if you don’t pay up and we are keeping the profits all for ourselves and our shareholders. Nice people to deal with eh! Especially when they also have no liability for any injuries or deaths. It is all Win! Win! Win! For big pharma. I wonder what NZ put up?

If anyone knows the rest of us would like to know too.

For everyone who got the jab and had an adverse event and for those who don’t want the jab vitamin C will protect you from “Delta” you have a Chinese research guarantee.

Hillary Barry may mock Vitamin C on TV. But real science, real evidence, real nutrients by-nature will always support me and my planet too. Our most precious resources, our bodies, our minds, our family our FREEDOM. Respect for all healers, respect for your choice, supporting you always, with love, generosity, and most of all

NO MANDATES, NO LOCKDOWNS, NO MASKS and NO FEAR. No coercion. No lying. No segregation, no exclusion, no isolation or discrimination. No jabbing our kids. Be kind to your neighbour and don’t interfere. Protect mother-nature all the time you are here. Clean up our trash for one and for all or get out of here don’t return at all.

Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Food, and Big Ag. Get out of our pockets. Our bodies and soul. You can’t have my mind. You go back to hell, take your Toxins and poisons, and Total Control. We will gather together embrace and agree to hug and be joyous and grateful and FREE. We will picnic outside restaurants that won’t let us in and fly freedom air because they care for all people. So go back to that place that we mentioned before. Take all of your greed and you’re lying corruption and pain. You can come back when you want to be kind, honest and clean. You can support us, and nourish us in a more loving way. Where Health and wellness before prophet is the number 1 rule every day. And freedom for all is number 2.

Some reports are concerning,

Scientists are warning us about mass vaccinations. There is a concern we may be putting too much pressure on the virus to mutate faster, so rapidly creating more virulent and deadly strains. We have experienced that with the over prescribing of antibiotics, resistant strains of bacteria now exist. And you can observe this in nature as well. Weed killer’s help to produce resistant weeds that get harder and harder to kill.

This is where Vitamin C can do so much good.

Studies have shown when elderly people received just 200mg of vitamin C daily it cut pneumonia by 80%. (5)

Used intravenously vitamin C works its best magic, injected into the blood stream, recognised by our immune system instantly as self, IV vitamin C has growing recognition in many lifesaving procedures including cancer. Even tablets work.

But what of food sources

It is time to focus on nature to tend to our colds and trusting your body to build your resilience and regeneration. Mother-nature has an abundance of earth’s natural medicines that we eat every day. Your body will thank you for eating good food repaying you with resilience and stamina to always be well.

Organic blueberries are very high in vitamin C however not so high in its herbicide, pesticide grown companion, being one of the heaviest sprayed berries, Always look for organic.

Roundup use almost guarantees very low nutrient density as the nature of roundup is a chelator of minerals and other nutrients drawing them out of the food we eat. More importantly essential amino acids responsible for mood enhancement, happiness and optimum brain health are also blocked by glyphosate use. Yes your food can have a major impact on mood. When the medicines in our food have been removed our health suffers. Lastly glyphosate in round up has been found to be responsible for damaging the gut lining causing wholes where microbes and other pathogens can get into the blood stream. Eventually a leaky gut is going to cause an autoimmune disease.

The immune system will always attack anything it sees as NOT self.

All petrochemical drugs or BPA plastics environmental toxins and foreign matter alert the immune system to detect and destroy a synthetic spike protein is no exception.

Make sure you get the best food you can find that is local and “regenerative ” and nutrient dense, earth loving, planet protecting health food you can eat every day.

The war on weeds never really considered these foods as medicines, yet the very thing we spray them with (roundup) is the very thing that destroys the MEDICINES or “alkaloids” in our food to protect us from sickness and disease.

Big Food is creating additives to foods that are more about getting people addicted to wanting more and more food feeding their bottom line rather than anything to do with health.  

Some of the most nutrient dense plants we have today are those weeds.

The irony is the weed killer we have been using for the past 30 years to kill weeds is actually killing us. Known for causing cancers, particularly non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. It turns out that roundup has been killing the weeds that can cure cancer.

Big business has been known to cover things up and you could say all chickens come home to roost. Strangely the acquisition of Monsanto (cancer causing roundup maker) was bought by Bayer the chemotherapy drug producer for cancer. Roundup is on its way out to be replaced by liberty link with new toxic chemicals to kill all the weeds including “agent orange” to napalm whatever lives and breathes.

But as usual you won't hear that on TV or from the Government and certainly NOT from the "Big Pharma Sponsored Media" when 70% of your funding comes from big pharma its best to keep quiet about certain things. To cover up what they know to be harmful to humans and continue to sell, sell, sell. Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson (6) and Moderna (7) are all responsible for misleading the public and many various lawsuits that prove they are serial criminals.

The public are imprisoned by governments who bow to big pharma and demonise lifesaving cheap off label medications that have proven their effectiveness for Covid 19. Saving millions of lives all over the world. We in the west are captured by corrupt organisations like the FDA and CDC and big pharma lies at our expense for what purpose? No purpose can change the fact we have been misled.

Disinformation and misinformation is a real problem, and it appears that our governments in the western world are the leading offenders. I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts, especially on how we can turn this around and how we can ensure this never happens again.











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