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I think by now most of us have worked out there has been some misinformation and disinformation regarding the origins of Covid 19.

It has been confirmed it was a PLANDEMIC (1) with clear evidence of pre-planning. The Covid vaccines are in fact bioweapons originating from the Wuhan lab in China instigated via the Dr Antony Fauci head of the NIH – along with Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, Eco Alliance, Harvard Medical school and Wellcome Trust in America.

But what did China have to gain from all this? The chilling pictures of people dying in the streets made headlines and horrified people around the world. Could it have been the raw materials for drug manufacturing? China is the biggest source of raw materials for drug manufacturing in the world. (13) This issue has not been fully disclosed yet.

Then there are the patents on Covid 19 and vaccines. How can Covid 19 be patented? You cannot patent nature. Therefore Covid 19 is manmade (2)or it has been illegally patented? So many more questions to be answered but we have come a very long way in untangling the narrative.

At this point, there are loads of evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a manufactured bioweapon. Dr. David Martin has identified hundreds of patents relating to its creation, spanning not years but decades, and much of this research was funded by the NIAID under Fauci's leadership.

Dr Mercola reviewed some of this evidence in "Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus," (3) which featured Martin's September 2021 testimony to the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.

The hype and the FEAR mongering was relentless from MSM the Trusted News Initiative (4) was unremitting, coordinated and worldwide.  Big tech, corporate media, governments and transnational organizations such as the BIS - Bank of International Settlements, (5) WEF, WHO and UN all actively deploy “Nudge” technology to manipulate the unsuspecting. Much of what is commonly called “Woke” programming involves “Nudge” manipulation. And of course there is the BBC-led “Trusted News Initiative”. (4) If you are not familiar with the TNI, please watch the linked video.


Governments around the world operated in a lockstep synchronized fashion. New Zealand a member of the commonwealth followed the lead of England and all commonwealth countries. Our government was ruthless. No jab no job. And any dissenter was marked with an anti-vax anti humanity label. They were singled out and vilified as spreaders of disease. When the public are subjected to directed propaganda day in day out for months on end the message becomes the truth even if it is a lie. It pays to know your history and learn from it. 


Through hundreds of legal measures, the Nazi-led German government gradually excluded Jews from public life, the professions, and public education. The goal of Nazi propaganda was to demonize Jews and to create a climate of hostility and indifference toward their plight. On Kristallnacht—the Night of Broken Glass—Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed in the first act of state-sponsored violence against the Jewish community. Many Jews who had the means tried to leave Germany but encountered countless bureaucratic hurdles.

Some people might say but it is not the same thing. I say look at the quarantine camps built around the world.


How could we have been so fooled? How did Nazi Germany gradually isolate, segregate, impoverish, and incarcerate Jews and persecute other perceived enemies of the state between 1933 and 1939?


I strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with Mattias Desmet (6) if you want to know more about mass formation.

The seduction of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in prehistoric days when man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The modern words ‘brainwashing’, ‘thought control’, and ‘menticide’ serve to provide some indication of the actual methods by which man’s integrity can be violated. When a concept is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized — and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.

There is, as it were, no real awareness of the frontiers between the person, and the world. Such fear-ridden persons are in constant agony because they feel themselves the victims of many mysterious influences which they cannot check or cope with; they feel continually endangered.


Dr Antony Fauci led the Covid 19 campaign and declared “I am the science” (6)

The Fauci effect. “I symbolize the truth”. (7)

Dr Antony Fauci is no stranger to lies, intimidation and manipulation to get what he wants. He has held his top paying job (paid more than the president) for 50 years. If you cross Fauci he has the power to destroy you and your career. Scientists and medical professionals are terrified of him and if they want to work in the industry then they toe the line or else. He has a very checked past and if you want to understand how this man could be so evil then you must read The Real Antony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the war on democracy and public health. (8) By Robert F Kennedy jnr.

After reading this well documented book you will understand and recognise how Antony Fauci has ruthlessly ruled medicine for 50 years.

I have taken these excerpts from his book.

“Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.” —Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate

Complex scientific and moral problems are not resolved through censorship of dissenting opinions, deleting content from the Internet, or defaming scientists and authors who present information challenging to those in power. Censorship leads instead to greater distrust of both government institutions and large corporations.

Kennedy, Robert F.. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (p. 21). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.


He has always been wrong (9) deliberately. Big Pharma has profited from Antony Fauci who owns shares amounting to 10.4 million dollars.

In a recent debate (10) with Alan Dershowitz, Robert Kennedy Jr. claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci holds a patent for one of the drugs in vaccine trials for coronavirus. “The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine [being produced by Moderna]. He owns half the patent,” said Kennedy. “He and these five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that.” 

And just a little aside Moderna or – mode RNA has never bought a successful drug to market until the covid vaccine. But I would not call it successful for covid 19. The side effects are far outweighed by the benefits. 

Wuhan Lab Caught Deleting Files Proving Fauci Funding — (11) At least 200 scientists have signed a statement from the Cambridge Working Group disagreeing with Fauci. May 26, 2021

The Biggest Flip-Flop Ever — (12) He was wrong about the usefulness and need for masks and post-vaccination mask requirements, yet nothing compares to this. June 2, 2021

Fauci in the Hot Seat as Emails Reveal His Lies — (12) Emails show Fauci helped cover up the lab origin theory and has lied about masks and the need for vaccination when you've already recovered from COVID-19. June 9, 2021

When Do Noble Lies Just Become Blatant Lies? — (12) Anthony Fauci claims the lies he's told were to protect the public and influence behavior. August 28, 2021

Will Fauci Be Held Accountable for Lying to Congress? — (12) Right now, Tony Fauci probably wishes this research article didn't exist — but it does, and it clearly shows the National Institutes of Health funded gain-of-function research. September 9, 2021

New Cache of Documents Exposes Lies to Congress — (12) In a recent hearing, senators question Dr. Fauci as to whether his institute directly or indirectly provided grants to fund gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. September 11, 2021

Fauci Must Be Fired and Arrested — (12) Saint Anthony has been caught in a web of insidious lies that keep reaching new lows. He's making news once again for funding research that involved abusing animals for 40 years. November 6, 2021

Disney Documentary Glorifies Fauci's Façade — (12) Disney+, via its streaming partner National Geographic, released a documentary on Dr. Anthony Fauci, elevating him to hero status while ignoring the lies he's foisted upon the American people. November 8, 2021

Who's the Real Anthony Fauci? — (12) Should Anthony Fauci be truly praised for the work he's doing? Here's a look into what he may be planning. December 9, 2021

The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci — (12) How did we get into the mess we're now in? Whatever happened to WHO's emphasis on clean water, nutrition and improving conditions of poverty around the world? December 19, 2021

Fauci Wants to Mandate the Vax to Fly — (12) Fauci suggests that vaccines may be mandatory on domestic flights but does not cite safety as a reason for the regulation. January 9, 2022

How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally — (12) Looked at as a kind of savior, the man on the white horse that would ride us out of this coronavirus crises is actually Big Pharma's biggest servant. January 21, 2022

Fauci Likely to Birth His Own COVID Variant After Paxlovid — (12) Fauci experienced COVID-19 rebound after taking one course of Paxlovid. July 14, 2022


All cause mortality is on the rise around the world. We have all seen the disturbing videos of athletes dropping dead. And we now have SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) and children die of heart attacks. (This was unheard of before covid). These excess deaths are labelled “cause unknown” which is quickly becoming the number 1 cause of death.

New Zealand is not exempt. It could be as high as 35%. Dr Guy Hatchard has written to our prime minister about it and so has NZDSOS they have also appealed to doctors around New Zealand to stand up for their patients and do no more harm. But I have heard nothing on the news. The trusted news initiative is mute.

By now I am sure you are enraged and rightfully so however there is nothing more the global elite want than our distrust of government, the medical industry and doctors.

Because when we turn our rage on our government guess who plans to be there to “save us”.

Global elites ruin farming: There is a 'deafening media silence' on global protests

But we have a way to go in their evil plan. We have the energy crisis in Europe that media will blame on Russia. The US and European food crisis because they import much of their food.

The FDA attack on organic Armish farmers and large food manufacturing companies burn down in the USA. More than 90 events across the country.

UK government pay farmers to get off the land. And meanwhile in the Netherlands farmers protest against unmanageable restrictions on nitrogen emissions (fertilizer) use.

 Isn’t that an oxymoron? If Big Ag are the main supplier of fertilizers and Europe has banned imports from Russia.


It all seems like doom and gloom but knowledge is power, if we are ready for them and keep calm they will not be able to ruin us. Luckily for New Zealanders we are able to fend for ourselves in food (our vegetable garden and local farmers markets) and hydroelectric energy.

When we are informed and aware that our government is not exactly being open with us we are armed mindful and alert. 


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