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Personality Changes after MRNA injections.

What a great video with Reiner Furman, Dr Peter Breggin and Naomi Wolf.

Neurological damage after vaccination/Covid 19 was the topic and the resulting personality changes were disgust. According to scientific evidence brain damage has occurred in some with lesions on the frontal lobe of the brain that have been identified on autopsy.

We cannot ignore the mounting evidence of SAD (Sudden Adult Death) or “cause unknown” as identified by a 40% increase in death of working aged people 25 – 64, documented by insurance company America One and more corroborating insurance companies around the world.

These deaths have coincided with the roll out of the Covid 19 jabs and did not occur before the rollout when Covid 19 was circulating, was the subject of the discussion.

Some statements really stood out for me. Naomi Wolfe raised the issue of a “zombie mania” surrounding the growing indifference to the harmful side effects and sudden deaths not making MSM or just the general pettiness some people have shown to these concerns.

Millions of lives have been lost world wide and it’s not over yet according to former Blackrock Portfolio Manager and current Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies: Ed Dowd in his new book “Cause Unknown The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022”.

Graphs showing Life Insurance Survey 40% rise in all-cause mortality in 25 – 64 years age group.


And hot off the press out of Australia the expediential rise in deaths from 2020 to 2022

More graphs and articles can be found at:

These figures should cause alarm!


Covid vaccine Carnage is making fun of the Holocaust?

I have heard NZ Disinformation minister Kate Hannah ridicule anyone comparing this tragedy to the holocaust and I found it insulting. Naomi Wolfe would agree with me and said:

 “Anyone who avoids language about the holocaust is engaging in intellectual negligence. If we ignore the carnage of Covid vaccines we are making fun of the holocaust”.

I agree.

The discussion also highlighted our loss of freedom. In a true democracy our human rights are observed and our sovereignty is honoured. However those of us who refused the jab lost their jobs, could not go to a restaurant, swimming baths, concert, retail shops, travel overseas, library or any council facility yet they still had to pay rates.

Discriminated against we went to Parliament in february 2022.


People who chose bodily autonomy were vilified and named anti-vaxer’ by the media.

Unproven messages were circulated implying these people were unclean and spreaders of disease (Covid 19) without any evidence. This discrimination and vilification is what every Jew faced in WW2.

 We have since learnt the jab was the transmitter of Covid 19 by Pfizer’s own COE’s representative at court hearings under oath, yet these mandates are still in place especially in our greatly understaffed medical system.

Our biggest concern in NZ today is a lack of staff in every industry, yet the doors are still closed to “unvaxed” by some, it beggar’s belief! We should be asking the obvious question. Where have all the working class people gone?

These are not the signs of a democracy it sounds like Globalisation to me. All western Government’s around the world suddenly followed the WHO!

The World Health Organisation now wants “One World Health” that they control, yet they have done a terrible job so far and 194 member countries appear to have followed their rhetoric.

WHO do they think they are? The One World Government?

Globalisation is incompatible with a democracy.

Government leaders are not doing well, the people are rebelling against the “totalitarian control” some ministers have been accused of. Perhaps they have been affected by this zombie mania mentality?

Dr Peter Breggin refers to the damaged brain:

“ All brain damage reduces us in hierarchical thinking in the frontal lobe,  first LOVE, affiliation, caring and moral restraints are affected. It reduces the ability of the soul to communicate through the brain”. Could this destroy humane thinking?

Are we experiencing a loss of humane government leaders?

Our government went mad with control. There was NO proof, NO evidence, regarding unjabbed yet they were used as scapegoats to find an enemy within to blame for our current circumstances and to deflect our attention away from the government while they passed new laws and new legislations while the country was locked up. 

We lost our council managed water rights, it was given away to unelected guardians and undisclosed corporate interests. New abortion laws were put into place. Where are all the dead babies buried?  What other bills were passed in parliament behind closed doors? The people of New Zealand had no chance to veto. No referendum was offered to the people. Is that a democracy?

FEAR was the media game, funded by the government 1 source of truth they have been relentless in their scaremongering. Anyone who spoke out against the government one source of truth was struck down and deplatformed in social media, doctors who spoke up were silenced and expelled.

That always happens in a totalitarian society.

Where is the apology to all who stood their ground and refused to take the experimental jab after all the evidence, they are still vilified, they are still refused jobs. They deserve better, an apology is a good start! What recompense or recognition do the injured get? They took the jab in good faith. And suffered the consequences.

So far they don’t get a mention on MSM nor do those get a mention who gave up their lives to “save granny!” (Another myth by the way).

I am beginning to think that “totalitarian control” is was what occurred here in NZ how about you?

Enjoy this video from the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) discussion there is certainly a lot to think about!


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